Our solar system is one amazing place. And if you don't already think so, this year's Perseid meteor shower is proof.
In case you slept through Astronomy 101 (I won't judge), the Perseids come our way every year about mid-August, when meteoroids swoosh through our atmosphere at crazy-high speeds and temperatures, leaving "tails" (shooting stars!) to "ooh" and "aah" at.
2015 has been an especially great year to turn our eyes up to the skies because the Perseids' particularly "fast and bright meteors" have had "no moonlight to upstage the shower," according to NASA.
Check out what makes the Perseid meteor shower so cool below:
Did you know? The Perseid meteor shower is the most active one of the year. About 100 meteors zoom by per hour at peak activity.
Did you know? Humans discovered the Perseids a long, long time ago. The earliest records of the shower were spotted in Chinese annals dating back to 36 A.D.
Did you know? The Perseid shower gets its name because the meteors look like they're popping out from the constellation Perseus, named after the Greek mythological hero.
The good news is, even if you missed the best views of the shower (which were last night, Aug. 12, 2015), you can still peek up on Aug. 13 and expect to see some action.