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Pop Culture

Andrew Huberman wows Jimmy Fallon with transformational stress hack on 'Tonight Show'

This is the “the fastest and best way to de-stress” in real time.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon/Youtube

Huberman guiding Jimmy Fallon though a simple breathing exercises for stress relief.

There’s no such thing as stress-free living. Sure, we can mitigate it through various mindfulness practices and lifestyle choices—meditating, getting good sleep, not overdoing the caffeine, etc. But still, there will inevitably be moments throughout the day that cause some sort of anxiety. And more often than not, we won’t be able to say, “excuse me, I just need to pop out for 20 minutes to do some yoga. Brb.”

Luckily, even those moments can be manageable. All you gotta do is breathe. Yes, really.

Recently, neuroscientist Andrew Huberman made a guest appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” where he discussed a variety of topics frequently brought up on his popular podcast, including the benefits of being exposed to sunlight within the first hour of waking.

Huberman then guided Fallon and the audience through a simple breathing exercise that’s “the fastest and best way to de-stress” in real time.

First, everyone did a double inhale through their nose—a complete inhale that filled the lungs followed by one more inhale to “sneak in a bit more air.” Then they did a full exhale through their mouth, completely emptying out their lungs.


As Huberman explained to Fallon, this type of breathing, called “physiological sighs,” was discovered by scientists in the 1930s. It’s something we do naturally throughout the day and during sleep, and it works by adjusting the levels of carbon dioxide to oxygen in our bloodstream, which affect the brain. Doing just 1, maybe 2, intentional physiological sighs “brings your level of stress down immediately.”

Huberman’s exercise (which he affirms is not a “hack”) was met by an exuberant applause from the audience, and lots of praise from online viewers.

Take a look at some of these comments:

“The silence of the audience’s focused attention is audible.”

“I love that he has no time for small talk and is determined to get across as much science as possible in the allotted time. Service to humanity.”

“Andrew Huberman is a national treasure! He teaches us so much about so many interesting topics and does it in a way that keeps us wanting more.”

“Huberman is the best thing that has happened on the internet in recent years.”

“I see Professor Huberman as the ultimate example. He does what he loves, tries to improve himself daily both as a professional and a person, shares his experience with people who have the same enthusiasm. More importantly, he shares this experience for FREE for the sake of sharing it.”

If we ever needed more proof that audiences are longing for more substance, this is it. If you’re not following Huberman but want more tips just like this, his Youtube channel is only a click away.

via The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon / YouTube

Actress Kristen Bell and "The Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon showed off their vocal and comedic chops on Tuesday night when the performed a medley of 17 Disney songs, spanning nine decades, in just five minutes.

The duo started with 1940's "When You Wish Upon a Star" and ended with 2013's "Let it Go" from "Frozen."

Bell will reprise her role as Anna in Disney's upcoming "Frozen 2."

The highlight is Bell's impassioned version of "A Part of Your World" from "The Little Mermaid." Fallon was wasn't half bad himself, peaking with his soulful rendition of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" that sounded shockingly similar to Elton John.

While Bell is best known as an actress in films such as "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and "Bad Moms" she got her start performing in high school musicals, once playing Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz."

RELATED: Kristen Bell shares how her battle with mental illness exposes a dangerous taboo

She attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts and made her Broadway debut while still a student, in a musical version of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."

She also starred in an off-Broadway production of "Reefer Madness" appropriately titled, "Reefer Madness: The Musical."

Here's the list of songs they got through in just five minutes:

"When You Wish Upon a Star"


"Heigh Ho"

"Bear Necessities"

"Under the Sea"

"A Part of Your World"

"Whole New World"

"Beauty and The Beast"

"Circle of Life/ Nants' Ingonyama"

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight"

"Colors of the Wind"

"Do You Want to Build a Snowman"

"You've Got a Friend in Me"

"Remember Me"

"How Far I'll Go"

"Into the Unknown"

"Let It Go"


Watch this transgender comedian take down Trump on 'The Tonight Show.'

'He probably thinks transgender people are those cars that turn into robots.'

Believe it or not, Patti Harrison, a transgender comedian, can actually empathize with Trump's proposed military ban on people like her.

Sort of.

"Trump says transgender people in the military would be a tremendous disruption, and I get it," she said assuringly during a segment of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" on July 26. "If you constantly draw attention to yourself, spend all day distracting everyone, and cost taxpayers millions of dollars, the perfect job for you isn’t the military — it’s the president of the United States."

Harrison was, of course, satirizing Trump's tweets announcing the U.S. military would no longer allow trans members to serve "in any capacity."

The jab was just one of a handful of searing burns, met with thunderous applause from the audience, criticizing the president's decision.

GIF via "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon."

"The Tonight Show" wasn't flying solo in its criticism either; several late night hosts lambasted the ban, too, including Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, and Seth Meyers.

But "The Tonight Show" was the only program to feature an actual trans person firing shots at the president's discriminatory proposal.

"I don’t even think Trump knows what 'transgender' means," Harrison quipped. "He probably thinks transgender people are those cars that turn into robots."

Harrison did, however, put the jokes aside at one point to highlight a person who'd be affected by the ban: retired U.S. Navy SEAL Kristin Beck.

"There are amazingly brave trans people that should be allowed to serve," Harrison noted. "Like Kristin Beck, a retired Navy SEAL with a purple heart, bronze star, and countless service metals."

Former U.S. Navy Seal Senior Chief Kristin Beck. Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images.

Beck, whose used her transition to publicly highlight the need for the military to become more inclusive, quickly spoke out against Trump's announcement.

"He's turned his back on a lot of Americans," she told CNN. "He's turned his back on a lot of veterans. And that's just not right."

Beck — who was deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries throughout her two decades as a Navy SEAL —  is calling on Americans to rise up and fight back at the ballot box.

"I'd say [Trump's] famous line: 'You're fired,'" Beck explained to CNN when asked what she'd tell the president. "As the American people, we can say that [to all our elected officials]. And in 2018, we can put out in a big loud voice, 'You're fired.'"

Watch Harrison's segment on "The Tonight Show" below:

Transgender comedian Patti Harrison address Trump's military ban

Posted by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday, July 27, 2017

After slow-jamming the news with the president of the United States, Jimmy Fallon asked the commander-in-chief if he thought the Republicans were happy with Donald Trump as their nominee.

Image via "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"/YouTube.

Naturally, the president couldn't resist the obvious dig.

GIF via "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"/YouTube.

But the message he delivered next was sobering and surprisingly sympathetic to Republicans.

Image via "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"/YouTube.

"I actually am not enjoying, and I haven't been enjoying over the last seven years, watching some of the things that have happened in the Republican Party because there's good people in the Republican Party," the president said.

And he had a stern message for Democrats who might be tempted to take pleasure in their political opponents misfortune:

"What's happened in that party culminating in this current nomination, I think, is not actually good for the country as a whole. It's not something Democrats should wish for."

"Democracy works, this country works, when you have two parties that are serious and trying to solve problems," Obama told Fallon.

A healthy Republican Party, the president argued, is essential to making concrete, lasting progress, insisting that the last thing Democrats should root for is a weak, poorly led opposition.

"You want folks who understand the issues and where you can sit across the table from them and you have a principled argument, and ultimately, you can still move the country forward."

To some extent, this is simply an extension of what Obama has said countless times before.

Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images.

Exhorting political opponents to debate each other in good faith is a theme the president frequently returns to, dating all the way back to his breakout 2004 Democratic National Convention speech.

But it has taken on a new urgency now. As we're seeing, a fractured GOP doesn't lead to a stronger democracy or country but instead leads to greater incivility.

It's how you wind up with a presumptive nominee who argues that a federal judge should be disqualified from adjudicating a case against him on the basis of the judge's race.

It's how you wind up with GOP Sen. David Perdue saying a "prayer" for President Obama but actually quoting a Bible verse, which, in its original context, has frequently been interpreted as a call for the subject's death.

And, on the other side, it's how you wind up with protesters throwing eggs at Trump supporters, punching them, and even allegedly assaulting them with weapons.

The good news? It doesn't have to be this way.

See! There's LBJ! And Eisenhower! Happy! Together! Photo by Abbie Rowe/LBJ Museum and Library.

"There are wonderful Republicans out in the country who want what's best for the country and may disagree with me on some things but are good decent people," the president said.

The more Republicans put their best, most thoughtful, most qualified people in charge, and the less Democrats argue with them vigorously without shouting them down or right-hooking them in the face, the better off we'll all be.

Because, whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or neither, the president is right: The best version of our democracy is not when we all agree on everything — but when we disagree in good faith.

Watch the full interview below: