“A balm for the soul”
  review on Goodreads


This article originally appeared on 07.31.20

You know when see an ad that's so good you stop caring that it comes from a big corporation that's just trying to sell you things and just marvel at the impressiveness of it all?

That's the way this new Nike ad feels.

The ad (which Nike calls a "film) is the third the sportswear giant's "You Can't Stop Us" series. It features 53 athletes (both elite status and everyday folks) in 24 sports, shown in a series of split screen moments that blend different athletes and sports into one. Narrated by U.S. Women's Soccer star Megan Rapinoe, the film celebrates sport and the human spirit, with a fitting message fo the moment we are in.

And the overall impact is, well...just watch.

You Can't Stop Us | Nikewww.youtube.com

Much has been made of the film's video editing, which is clearly deserving of accolades. But as one of our own video experts pointed out, creating this film involved far more than just editing. Nike has shared that 4,000 action sequences were researched to find the right shots to pull together to make the final cut of 72, which was undoubtedly done by a team of assistants. Visual effects specialists had to have done painstaking, frame by frame work to manually get the timing right and portions of the videos to line up perfectly. The sheer number of hours this must have taken is mind-boggling.

The whole crew who pulled this together did an incredible job. We need inspiration and hope more than ever right now, and this creative work hit those marks beautifully.

Rapinoe added her own thoughts that perfectly sum it all up:

"Players may be back on the pitch, but we are not going back to an old normal. We need to continue to reimagine this world and make it better. We have all these people in the streets, using their voices, and those voices are being heard. I ask people to be energized by this moment and not let up. I believe it's everybody's responsibility to advocate for change."

Well done all around, everyone.

You know the Gerber baby, right?

She's an American icon. And if you've ever wandered down the baby food aisle of the grocery store or checked out the pantry of a new parent, you've definitely seen her adorable face peering at you from the label of a tiny jar.

That baby was 91 years old in the early part of 2018. Her name is Ann Turner Cook, and aside from being a teacher and writer of mysteries, she's now the great-grandmother of six.

The photo above was snapped by Chris Colin, a San Francisco-based writer who also happens to be Cook's grandson.

His tweets have recently gone viral for one special picture that's brought two Gerber babies together across multiple generations.

That's right — the OG Gerber baby and the newest Gerber baby just met.

In 2018, Lucas Warren became the latest Gerber spokesbaby, beating out every one of his 140,000 contenders. Warren's not just a pretty face, though; he's also a trailblazer. He's the first baby with Down syndrome to win the contest, bringing some much needed representation to the brand.

Recently, Warren and his parents visited Cook at her home in Florida. According to eyewitnesses (read: the people who were there literally melting into puddles of goo), they were fast friends.

"As soon as we walked into the room, she and Lucas immediately bonded," Warren's parents told People. "Lucas walked right up to her, flashing his signature smile and waving, and we could tell he loved her right away." He also shared his cookies which, if you know babies, says a lot.

Of course, the two also had an obligation to their public, so of course they stopped to take one of the most adorable pictures I have ever seen.

The photo's adorable. And Lucas Warren's new status as the Gerber baby is historic.

One of Gerber's missions is making it clear that every baby is a Gerber baby. Warren being picked as this year's spokesbaby is a step in showing the world that all babies (and, by extension, all people) should be accepted for who they are.

Approximately 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome every year in the United States. Warren's parents want his win to be a symbol of hope to the families of children born with the condition or any other disability.

"We're hoping this will impact everyone — that it will shed a little bit of light on the special needs community and help more individuals with special needs be accepted and not limited," Warren's father told "Today" shortly after the 1-year-old won. "They have the potential to change the world, just like everybody else."

Note: We weren't paid by Gerber for this story — we'd tell you if we were — we just think it's a neat bit of history paving the way for the future.

If you're ever in the mood for a laugh, throw "millennials," "brands," and "marketing" into the ol' Google and give the internet a peruse.

At any given moment, marketing executives around the world are being paid gazillions of dollars to figure out the mystery behind what millennials buy and why we buy it. With the tactical precision of the three blind mice, advertisers invent absurd strategies to capture our attention, launching campaigns that they think are lit af but fall miserably short of the goal.

Especially in the food industry, marketers act like millennial behavior is totally uninterpretable. (Remember when they tried to say we don't eat cereal because we're lazy? That's why I opt for a fresh egg omelette every morning instead — way easier.)

Millennials are older now and starting to make up more of the world's annual spending, so whether they like it or not, brands are having to take our preferences more seriously. And (to their abject horror, I assume) what they're finding is that what we want is not only pretty simple, but could also have a positive impact on the food industry at large.

For starters, millennials want more facts about the food we consume.

Not too much to ask, right? As the first generation that grew up alongside rather than ahead of the internet, millennials learned at a young age that any information we want is information we can get as long as we enter the right search terms. Our ability to instantly verify any claim an advertisement makes is why only 1% of millennials report being swayed by traditional marketing strategies. We rely instead on what we can trust: ourselves.

This is having a positive effect on the food industry because it means companies are becoming more transparent about their products to gain the trust of millennial consumers.

In a 2012 study of American and British adults, 8 in 10 millennials said they appreciated "behind the scenes" commercials for their food, like Whole Foods Market's Values Matter campaign, which links back to a page where the readers can verify the company's sustainability claims personally. By comparison, only 6.5 in 10 baby boomers indicated that they wanted more information about their food from brands.

Millennials look to the facts for proof that the products we buy are doing good.

GlobeScan CSR has coined a term for this type of shopper — aspirationals, or "materialists who believe they have a responsibility to purchase products that are good for the environment and society." Millennials tend to fall into this category, with 40% of us preferring to shop local and nearly 75% of us willing to pay extra for sustainable goods.

Shopping local and sustainable produce cuts down on waste and pollution. It also boosts local economies and ecosystems.

Photo by Stephen Chernin/iStock.

As a result, brands are being forced to do better in order to stay competitive in a millennial-driven market.

To satisfy our desire for fact-based corporate responsibility practices, companies that already had these practices in place, like Whole Foods, are pushing that information out into the open, heightening the overall level of transparency in the food industry at large.

In 2015, 81% of S&P 500 companies released sustainability reports, up from 20% in 2011. In response to this pressure, the brands that aren't meeting the same high responsibility standards are being forced to change their practices to stay competitive. Even restaurants that are considered categorically unhealthy have launched plans to up their corporate practices, like McDonald's, which in 2014 announced its intent to gradually switch to sustainable beef.

As market demand (and brand loyalty) shifts toward environmentally and socially conscious business, corporations are adjusting, even before governments step in to enforce regulations.

There's one more way to capture a millennial's brand loyalty: Take a stand on something.

Millennial consumers aren't just interested in a company's ethics where its own business is concerned. Brands that advocate for social causes, such as LGBTQ rights, immigration law, and gender equality gain favor with millennials. Companies, like Starbucks, which not only exhibit ethical corporate policy and excellent employee treatment, but also frequently speak out on social and political issues, have some of the strongest brand-loyal customers worldwide.

As millennials take the wheel on driving the market, the food industry could also get a lot more culturally diverse.

As a group, millennials are more ethnically diverse than our predecessors and have a more welcoming attitude toward new and different food cultures. The Hartman Group's study on generational food trends reports that millennials are 10-20% less interested in classic American or Americanized ethnic foods than baby boomers, and they express an increased interest in different kinds of global cuisine. A growing demand for international food could present a wider niche for new business opportunities, like immigrant-owned restaurants.

Image via iStock.

The takeaway? Once marketers stop hating on millennial preferences, the whole industry should see an increase in pro-social, sustainable food culture.

While it's true that millennials might present more of a challenge to marketers than in the past, that's a really good thing. It suggests that the market is being driven by a smarter, more empathetic consumer base, which in turn is driving companies to pick up more socially and environmentally friendly practices that benefit all of us.

Ryan Reynolds is dropping some truth about women and superhero movies.

It turns out that women just like good movies. Go figure.

During the press tour for superhero action flick "Deadpool," Ryan Reynolds was asked what about the movie appeals to women.

His answer was an awesome breakdown about the myths about who superhero and action movies are "for." Lots of times, we frame these movies as being aimed at dudes in all their dudeliness. Reynolds wanted to set that record straight.

GIFs via moviemaniacsDE/YouTube.

Why was this surprising? Because the "girls don't like superheroes" myth even affects studios.

It's kind of funny thinking about the stereotypical ways they might go about marketing the movie to women. I mean, they could have maybe played up that romantic angle (as Reynolds mentions below). Maybe give the ladies some of that 2010 "Sexiest Man Alive" eye candy? Yeah?

That's what studios want to do.

And to mock the sexist way movies are marketed, that's what the people behind "Deadpool" did. They even made billboards that framed the movie as a rom-com. A very, very violent, R-rated rom-com.

But here's the truth: Some women just like superhero or action movies. No marketing tricks needed.

And he's totally right. In its opening weekend, the film grossed $132 million in the U.S. alone. You don't get those kinds of numbers if you're not beloved by people of all genders.

But wait — so why did women like the movie? Well, for the same reasons men did: because it's a good movie.

Does this mean all women love superhero movies? No. But neither do all men. It's almost as though people are individuals and have their own unique tastes and whatnot!

Don't take Reynolds' word for it: Let the numbers do the talking.

Since 2010, women have made up a larger share of moviegoers (people who went to a movie at least once in theyear) than men. And in 2014 (the year of the most recent study), their share got even bigger. That's straight from the Motion Picture Association of America's annual Theatrical Market Statistics report. And yes, those numbers hold up for action movies, too.

So maybe female moviegoers don't need to be pandered to with clever, stereotypical marketing campaigns; maybe they just need a good movie (oh, but let's work on that lack of diversity — in front of and behind the camera — thing, OK?).

Check out the awesome exchange below (skip ahead to about 23 minutes in).