

This hack promises to get rid of yellow armpit stains

There's nothing quite like getting a new shirt for a job interview and sweating straight through it. Even if you're not nervous, it's not uncommon to sweat through your shirt leaving perfect outlines of your armpits on the outside of the fabric. But if you're required to wear a collared shirt on a fairly frequent basis, you know how annoying armpit stains and ring around the collar can be.

You wash and scrub, pulling out all the tips and tricks you can think of the get the stubborn stains out but they only lightly fade. The armpits are still clearly yellow with a faint smell of B.O. while the dark ring around the collar makes you question your shower habits. It can feel like an impossible thing to rid your shirts of but it can be done, no dry cleaner needed.

Everyone's favorite "Laundry Queen," Melissa Pateras has a really easy trick for getting those stubborn areas clean. The best thing about her hack is that it involves products that you likely already have in your house.

gif of David Beckham sweatingDavid Beckham Sweat GIF by First We FeastGiphy

After one of her followers reached out asking about getting rid of armpit stains in shirts that also held on to unpleasant odor, Pateras had a quick solution. Instead of just telling the user what to do, she demonstrates the process step-by-step. She pulls out a white button up shirt that is lightly stained around the collar and in the armpit region, laying it on a white towel.

"Then you're going to completely cover the stains with some hydrogen peroxide, making sure that you're applying it straight from the bottle because it's light sensitive. That's why the bottle's brown because if it's exposed to light, it'll be ineffective," Pateras explains.

gif of Maytag manSma Sexiest Man Alive GIF by MaytagGiphy

In the video she demonstrates on a white shirt, but according to Clotheslyne, hydrogen peroxide can be used on colored clothes as well. To be safe, though, try adding it to an inconspicuous area first to check for discoloration. If it doesn't cause that piece of fabric to become discolored then you can proceed to with use.

Hydrogen peroxide is not the end of the hack for Pateras; the second step is pulling out the Dawn dish soap. "Once you've applied the Dawn to the stain, you're just going to take your finger and very gently rub it in. Once you've done that you're just going to get some baking soda and sprinkle it on, making sure to cover it completely. Once the stain is completely covered, get a brush. It doesn't matter what brush you use, you can even use a toothbrush for this but I like a power brush cause it's a lot less work," Pateras says.

Again, if the item is not white it's best to test all steps in a small inconspicuous area first. Nobody wants white armpits on a blue shirt, and since all materials are not made at the same quality, it's probably best to do a test every time you're trying it on a different item of clothing.

After using the brush to gently scrub the stains, Pateras advises to allow it to sit for five minutes before adding more peroxide and scrubbing once more. The treated item sits for anywhere from an hour to overnight before you toss it into the washing machine like normal. An eager viewer gave the trick a try and excitedly reported back with a shirt that looks like it was recently purchased.

@natmanzoc stitch with @Laundrytok | Melissa Pateras who is DOING THE LORD'S WORK #fashionhacks #laundrytok #thrifted #whiteshirt #diy #diyfashion ♬ original sound - nat 🌈🫠 thrifted style & diy

"I need to talk to you guys about this. Okay, so you see this white shirt? You see how the collar looks nice and clean? You see how there are no discernible stains in the underarm area? Yeah, that's cause I did exactly what this person told me to do," the woman says referring to Pateras. "I have tried so many things trying to get stains out of my white shirt. Shout, OxiClean, all kinds of sh-t."

The woman, who goes by Nat on TikTok, says she thought her shirt was beyond saving but this hack now has it looking nearly brand new. So if you've been struggling with getting armpit stains out of your shirts, give this hack a try and see how it works out for you.

Woman explains how dish soap works by using Barbie dolls.

Dish soap is one of those things that you have to buy even if you have a dishwasher. Sometimes pots need to soak or you only need to wash out a bowl and spoon for a late-night snack. Either way, there's no real getting around buying dish soap, and there's nothing more frustrating than using soap that has the consistency of water, or worse, leaves your dishes greasy.

Nothing makes me want to throw dishes in the trash faster than grabbing a "clean" dish from the dish rack and feeling that familiar slimy film slip across your fingertips. That's it. Paper plates for all eternity. But why does that happen and what does dish soap actually do? Once again, Melissa Pateras, the queen of "laundry-tok," has an answer and it's fascinating.

In this particular video, she brought along two friends to help her explain what the deal is with dish soap—a disembodied Ken and Barbie doll glued to two different bottles of dish soap.

Ken is Palmolive and Barbie's head and extremities are attached to the bottle of Dawn. Pateras uses the dolls to explain that the difference between dish soaps is usually the surfactants. (I think it's a safe guess that most people aren't thinking about surfactants when shopping.)

"Think about Dawn as Barbie and Ken as Palmolive. Now think about surfactants as outfits. Barbie has a huge wardrobe of outfits and accessories, whereas Ken only has a few, mostly just the same in different colors," Pateras says while holding the two bottles. "Now, if Ken is all you have to play with, he's fine, but he's never anybody's first choice."


What soap would you choose #dishes #dawn #compare #barbie

She explains that while Ken can do things, Barbie has had over 80 careers and has adapted over the years, while Ken has essentially stayed the same. Obviously, we're still discussing dish soap, but the visual and descriptive explanation helps bring the point around before she does a test with both soaps to demonstrate how the surfactants work.

"I understand surfactant so much better now. Thank you," one commenter wrote.

"I loved this!!!! And I learned something," another person said.

One thought she should be compensated by Dawn for her demonstration, writing, "Melissa I stg if Dawn doesn't pay you for this..."

Through her demonstrations, there's a clear better choice, and it's Dawn. Now whether the dish soap giant will send Pateras a check for her entertaining and informative video is yet to be determined, but maybe she'll get a few free bottles of the good stuff.


Imagine you’re a teacher in a school that’s riddled with problems.

Many of your students act out, against you and against each other. Some kids don’t show up at all. Those who do try to apply themselves are struggling to focus and are falling behind.

All of these problems have solutions, but you’re only one person. You can’t afford to give each child the personalized care and attention they need to fix their individual issue.

So what do you do?

One surprising tool could solve a lot of students’ problems: a washing machine.

A lack of clean clothes is one of the most common problems among families with kids who are struggling in school.

All photos courtesy of Whirlpool.

“There are students that are being bullied because of the clothing that they're wearing,” says Emily Edwards, a social worker at an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee.

“You want them to think about, ‘Am I accomplishing good work in my math class?’” says Christina Deering, who teaches third grade. “You don't want them to be thinking, ‘I hope I'm not too close to you because I might smell.’”

Not having clean clothes distracts kids in class — and it sometimes keeps them out of school entirely. Absences add up and, ultimately, contribute to bigger academic problems that become harder to fix.

At this Nashville elementary school, the administration found a solution to the laundry problem.

“The Care Counts™ program installs washers and dryers in schools to improve attendance by giving kids access to clean clothes,” says Edwards. The school now has a washer and dryer on school property, and parents can come use them free of charge.

Watch and see how kids' lives are already improving thanks to their new laundry facilities:

Whirlpool Care Counts

No child should have to be teased because they don't have clean clothes.

Posted by Upworthy on Tuesday, November 28, 2017

For many of the students, it’s changed everything.

“The students here, they have a confidence about themselves more than other students who maybe don’t have clean clothes,” says Deering. A study of all schools who have the Care Counts™ laundry program showed that 90% of students who make use of it improved their attendance.

Though it may seem like students’ happiness, focus, behavior, and attendance are all separate issues, they’re all problems that can be helped by adding clean clothes.

It also helps administrators provide resources beyond laundry to families in need.

Typically educators notice a problem and recommend the Care Counts™ laundry program to parents. But sometimes, it's the program that alerts the school to larger issues.

“There have been families that I didn't know were experiencing issues at home and that I'd seen were using the washer and dryer,” says Edwards. “And so that kind of opens up a conversation of, ‘It's great that you're using this resource. What else can we do to help you?’”

The school's new laundry facilities have also helped open up a dialogue around issues facing many of the students' families.

“In our classroom, we've talked about how 7 out of 10 of us are at or below the poverty line,” says Harris. “That means that there are 7 out of 10 of us that have really difficult things often that go on at home, things that are out of our control.”

Talking about that helps the kids feel more comfortable asking for help when they need it. “When they walk in the building and know that they're 7 of 10, that there's not a stigma attached to that,” Harris says. “It's love for one another and it's a support of one another and there’s less shame involved.”

With the washing machine in place, kids will hopefully build better relationships, do better in school, and be able to establish a foundation for a successful future. They're free to stop worrying about their clothes and focus on what counts: being a kid.


Saul Calzadilla is one of those teachers kids just love. He can always find ways to make learning fun.

All images via Whirlpool.

And his "Green Machine" gardening program is Exhibit A.  

During a typical day at his school in Nashville, Calzadilla's students learn about life, death, and the consequences of their actions (like don’t pick a melon too early or it won’t become ripe) in a garden right outside the classroom.

"For almost every other science class, we find ourselves out in the garden exploring," Calzadilla says. "Putting the seeds in, pulling the weeds out, and making sure there’s hay spread out to keep the weeds from coming back up. It’s a lot of fun."

And of course, with all that dirt, mud, and water, the kids get really messy in the process. (But, hey, isn’t that part of the fun?)

While it can be fun to be messy, it didn’t take long for Calzadilla to realize all that dirt might not be so fun for some families that didn't have easy access to a washer-dryer.

And that's why laundry programs, like the Whirlpool Care Counts™ laundry program, can be so helpful.

Many of Calzadilla’s students are from low-income families that don’t have access to laundry machines at home, and the frequent laundromat visits can get expensive quickly. That meant not everyone was having fun in his class.

Some kids wouldn’t participate in the gardening activities out of fear that their parents would get "really mad" at them if they came home dirty. A few even started missing school because they didn’t want to re-wear their dirty clothes to school.

Instead of learning and playing uninhibited, these kids were letting their fear of getting dirty affect their learning. And most importantly, they were missing out on a class that taught them valuable life skills at the same time.

It was hard on the parents too.

Monica, a mom at the Nashville school, remembers how stressful it was once when she couldn’t afford to repair her dryer after it went on the fritz. You don’t have to be a parent to realize that getting kids ready for school each day is no joke — but in addition to the common morning ritual, Monica also spent her mornings deciding whether she should send her kids to school in damp clothes or in something from the dirty pile.

Something seemingly as simple as access to clean clothes has a far-reaching impact on the education and self-esteem of children.

That’s why the school knew it had to do something, and thanks to a donation from the Whirlpool Care Counts™ laundry program, they were able to install a washer and dryer for all to use.

Suddenly, families could visit the campus and do their kids’ laundry free of charge.

Calzadilla noticed positive results from the jump.

"Kids come to school with more confidence and focus on the things that matter, like playing in the garden or making friends when otherwise it might have been difficult for them," he says.

Plus, thanks to parents like Monica, using the laundry facilities is stigma-free.

As a member of the parent-teacher association, she knew the onus was on people like her to reassure other parents that no one would judge them for using the washer and dryer. "Knowing other parents are there to support you is really helpful," she says. "It’s a lot easier than hearing the teacher say it."

Having the facilities is good enough for most, but the effects of the program are more profound than just clean clothes for the kiddos.

It fosters a sense of inclusion in the community that wasn’t present before.

While they’re waiting for the laundry, parents are able to volunteer in the classrooms and spend time getting to know their fellow moms and dads.

For Monica, a stay-at-home mom, it gave her the adult interaction she desperately craved by helping others. "It gave me a sense of purpose," she recalls.

Thanks to this program, teachers can focus on learning, parents can focus on parenting, and kids can focus on being kids.

And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.  

Parenting is a really tough job, but the washer and dryer at the school has helped to alleviate some of that stress. Instead of spending money and time at the laundromat on a Tuesday night, parents can save their money and help their kids with homework.

Overall, parents at the school are a much happier bunch because of it.

"It’s just an amazing thing, not having to worry about if clothes are going to be clean or dirty or if their kids are going to be smelly," Monica beams.

Often, it’s easy to take clean clothes for granted and forget how much of a privilege it is. An unavoidable aspect of childhood is getting dirty — and no kid should feel ashamed to do what comes naturally to them.

That's why the Whirlpool Care Counts™ laundry program has already donated washers and dryers to 58 schools nationwide, and they plan to donate even more in the coming months so that other kids can learn and play without being afraid of getting a little dirty.

"It’s something so small, but it’s so big at the same time," Monica says.

Anything that helps make the world a better place is always a big deal. Even if it’s just cleaning up life’s little messes.