Kitten pushes sibling out of the way when potential adopter comes by
This is possibly the cutest sibling rivalry on the internet.

Kitten pushes sibling out of sight when potential adopter comes by.
Adopting an animal is almost always an adventure. Looking around a pet store or animal shelter, trying to see whose personality speaks to you the most, is one of the most serotonin-releasing things animal lovers can do. Catching kittens taking cat naps or watching chubby little puppies roll all over each other can make just about anyone smile.
One potential adopter was at an adoption site, not just for the happy feels but to pick out a new kitten, and she saw one with a lot of personality peeking out from the window in the door. This sweet kitty was looking right at the woman with its furry little paws on the door in order to boost itself to get a better look.
But when the woman started talking to the curious face looking back at her, another kitten appeared and wanted this stranger's attention, too. Except...the first kitten was not at all interested in sharing the nice lady's undivided attention. Nope. No, ma'am. No, sir. No how. It was not having it. Apparently, even kittens can experience sibling rivalry, except it's far cuter and much less annoying (at least to the owners).
As soon as the first kitten noticed the other kitten scooching in on the potential new owner, it behaved like a literal child and pushed its sibling down. Like full-on, paws-on-head, pushed the other cat down out of sight. That didn't stop the other kitten from resisting being shoved out of the way. Nope. It just popped back up, only to be batted down again.
The entire thing is amusing and oddly human-like for these kitten siblings. I wonder if she took them both? Take a look at the video shared on Reddit: