Community rallies around teacher after she's put on leave for secret OnlyFans account
"If the state of Missouri doesn't want their teachers moonlighting then they should pay livable wages."

Community supports teacher with OnlyFans account
It's a pretty well known fact that public school teachers are severely underpaid in comparison to the cost of living in their individual areas. They often have to buy classroom supplies and decorations out of pocket, while also securing extra school supplies in case some of their students are in need. Their work doesn't stop just because the last bell rang for the day.
It's nearly impossible for them to get work done during their planning periods. That's when they answer parent emails, attend IEP meetings or call guardians about concerns so they often have to take their work home. Grading tests, papers and homework is suddenly happening when they're supposed to be catching up on their favorite shows or spending time with their own children.
Most other industries a person working 20 extra hours a week would equate to a hefty amount of overtime on their checks. But teachers aren't afforded this luxury. These extra hours, though necessary, are unpaid.
The unpaid labor doesn't stop there if the teacher offers after school tutoring. All of these demands on teachers for no extra money means they often have to take on a second job or get creative when it comes to earning extra money. High school English teacher, Brianna Coppage, 28, found herself struggling to make ends meet on her $42,000 a year salary in St. Clair, Missouri, a suburb about an hour west of St. Louis.
In order to help bring in extra income, the teacher turned to OnlyFans, an adult entertainment website that requires a paid subscription in order to view the mostly x-rated content. Coppage told the St. Louis Dispatch that her content on OnlyFans brought in an additional $8,000-$10,000. That's no small amount of cash, but someone reported her page to St. Clair High School, where she works resulting in her being placed on leave.
At this point most people would expect that the community would be outraged or shocked by the teacher's secret life but that wasn't really the case. Parents supported Coppage and her right to create adult content off the clock.
“Surprisingly, a lot of parents were supporting me. A lot of community members were saying, ‘Leave her alone, this is her private business. It has nothing to do with her in the classroom,'” Coppage told The Missourian.
Tiffany Ray, a relative of a student at St. Clair High School even started a petition to help the teacher keep her job. It currently has over 2,700 signatures with community members writing messages of support int he comments.
"She became my son's English teacher at the start of the year. He has improved so much with her help. It's her private life, she does not press it into her coworkers or students. Let her live her life," one woman writes.
"If the state of Missouri doesn't want their teachers moonlighting then they should pay livable wages," another petition signer declares.
"This is in the privacy of her own personal time. She is none[sic] of the only teachers who has actually done their job and helped my daughter when she needed it. Most teachers don’t even try and help,” one mom says.
Judging by the comments on the petition, comments under social media posts and support she's personally received, it's clear people are more concerned about teachers low pay. Coppage didn't wait to see if the support helped to reverse the decision, she resigned from her position at the high school.