We're so good at being stressed ... and so bad at taking it seriously.
It's almost like we think that the more stressed out we are, the more worthy and successful we are. And sure, elements of a demanding schedule or task can be fulfilling, but the way we're approaching our to-do lists may be doing us more harm than good.
Stress is the basic cause of at least 60% of primary care visits.
Isn't that wild? 60%. It's breaking us down and costing us a lot of money at the same time.
"Seventy-five percent of health-care costs are associated with chronic illnesses," says American Psychological Association CEO Norman B. Anderson.
"What's a key driver of chronic illnesses? Stress."
And even though stress is a big driver of sickness, we don't treat it like that.
There's a reason Americans are too afraid to utilize their vacation days. They're too stressed about the workload that'll be waiting for them when they come back.
One of the biggest regrets people often have at the end of life? "I wish I hadn't worked so hard."
Stress is driving our country, and it's time we take control and start actually talking about it. The stigma surrounding stress and our mental health is doing us no favors. In fact, it's only making the problem worse.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness reported in 2013 that 60% of adults (and almost one-half of youth ages 8 to 15) with a mental illness received no mental health services in 2012.
You can bet the stigma and non-prioritization of mental health in America has something to do with that.
This clip from Vine star Thomas Sanders sums the problem up perfectly.
The next time you're feeling overwhelmed and need someone to talk to, take it seriously and reach out. And also, be there to listen! Supporting each other is key.
Mental health isn't just as important as physical health. It's an integral part of it.
I'm sharing this because it's time we take stress — and our mental health — way more seriously. The more people who do, the better and healthier our world will be.