The world is filled with moments of joy.
Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you're smiling?
The act of smiling releases molecules in your brain called neuropeptides, which help you fight off stress. Then come smaller neurotransmitters such as serotonin (which acts as an anti-depressant) and endorphins (which provide mild pain relief). These chemicals may just be tiny molecules floating around in your brain, but they make a big difference in how you feel.
At Upworthy, we're all about small things making a big difference. Whether it's the life-giving sound of a baby's laughter, the delight of a person dancing like no one's watching or the beauty of a random act of compssion, little doses of joy can go a long way toward creating the kind and peaceful world we all want to live in.
Hope this collection of small, happy things brings some big smiles to your faces!
1. The way this baby belly laughs every time the bird chirps. Oh. My. Goodness.
There is nothing better than the sound of a baby laughing. It's just pure, unhindered joy.
2. Shop owner gifts a $700 prom dress to a girl who drove six hours to her store.
@juicybodygoddess I didn't cry until I did edit #plussize #plussizetiktok #juicybodygoddess #plussizefashion
Summer Lucille opened her Juicy Body Goddess store precisely for moments like this. The way she hypes up her customers and helps them feel their own beauty is truly a joy to behold. See more of Lucille's stellar service and read the full story here.
3. This girl is on fire, for real.
Such confidence! Every kid deserves this kind of encouragement in their artistic expression.
4. A Fred Meyer store gave its entire Powerball bonus to the local food bank.
Fred Meyer paid their lottery bonus forward to the community.
Not only that, but the corporate office also gave the store associates $10,000 to celebrate. Read the full story (including how the $754 million Powerball winner who bought the ticket saw a 'sign' that won her the jackpot) here.
5. Dad shares a genius way to handle a kid drawing on the wall.
The ultimate "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach to parenting. Most kids will draw on a wall at some point, and while parents do have to teach when and where it's okay to draw, there's no harm in showcasing their artistry in the process.
6. Dad narrates his son's trip to the mall 'Look Who's Talking'-style and it's delightful.
@kingkeraun Come get yall nephew ! 🙄
The voice-over comedy still hits. Way to go, Dad. Read the full story here.
7. Mom shares a perfect, real-life example of the 'Dad is RIGHT THERE' phenomenon.
@tinyann22 Moms can never get a minute of peace lol #momsoftiktok #momlife #ring #camera #kidsoftiktok
As a mom whose husband is a totally involved, hands-on parent who shares child-rearing equally, I can attest that this phenomenon is all too real no matter what. I have watched my children leave the kitchen where their father is cooking to come and ask me where to find something…in the kitchen. He's right. there. A follow-up to this video shows the dad on the ring doorbell, tablet in hand, with the kid still telling Mom the tablet isn't working. So darn funny.
8. Boy reassures rescue dog that he'll be cared for and protected, and where's my tissue?
Gulp. What a sweetheart. And what a lucky doggo.
9. Dog sneaks around on tiptoe to get what he wants and it's hilarious to witness.
Okay, Milton. That is too much. Read more about Milton's sneaky habits here.
10. Here's to the friends who immediately go in for the snuggle when they see you.
Monkey's all, "Bring it in, buddy." Too sweet.
Feeling better with those soothing neurochemicals flooding your brain? If you'd like to get these serotonin-pumping posts delivered to your inbox each week, you can sign up for our free newsletter, The Upworthiest, here. Share the joy with someone who needs it and keep the feel-good molecules flowing!