Puppies invaded a retirement home, preschool, and gym. Pure bliss ensued.
Stop what you're doing. I have breaking puppy news.
A video of puppies exists that is not only absolutely darling, but is also helping dogs in need with every single click. I repeat: You can watch a video that, in a very tangible way, is making the world a better place for dogs every time someone watches it.
GIF via Soul Pancake/YouTube.
The video was created to showcase the #PowerOfPuppies and is definitely succeeding in doing just that.
Created through a partnership between Purina and media company Soul Pancake, the video captures people's reactions in three different spots — a preschool, a gym, and a retirement home — when puppies arrive unexpectedly.
The #PowerOfPuppies brings new energy to each location in the video in the blink of an eye.
A boring day in class takes a whole new turn.
"I didn't see that coming." GIF via Soul Pancake/YouTube.
A routine session at the gym melts these tough guys' hearts.
"I wish they were always there after a workout." GIF via Soul Pancake/YouTube.
And a game of trivia at this retirement home gets much more exciting.
"This is so special!" GIF via Soul Pancake/YouTube.
These reactions probably aren't so surprising. Most dog owners would probably tell you how much positive difference having a pup in the house can make. Dogs have been known to reduce anxiety and stress, fight off loneliness and depression, and generally keep you in better shape.
The power of puppies is real, y'all.
The best part about all of this? The video isn't just superbly smile-inducing. It's also aiding dogs that need our help.
For every video view, Purina will donate a pound of dog food (up to 500,000) to Rescue Bank, a nonprofit that helps the rescue animal community. So yes — just watching the two-minute video is helping our four-legged friends.
That's what I call a win-win.