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New study shows an overwhelming correlation between weak gun laws and high rates of gun deaths

gun control, gun safety, gun laws

Pardini GT9.

Everyone in America wants the country to be a place where they’re safe from violence. But there’s a big difference in how people think we should achieve that goal. Some Americans think that tougher gun laws make it more difficult for people to commit heinous acts of violence. While others believe that people are safer when they have easy access to firearms to protect themselves.

A new study released by the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund has found a very strong connection between a state’s gun laws and its rate of gun deaths.

The analysis concludes that states with strong gun safety policies have lower rates of fatal shootings while states with weaker gun laws have higher rates of gun deaths, including homicides, suicides and accidental killings. Everytown for Gun Safety makes a pretty clear point by ranking states from strongest gun laws to weakest.

California has the strongest gun laws and some of the lowest rates of gun deaths per 100,000 residents, at 8.5. The national average is 13.6. Conversely, Mississippi has the weakest gun laws and the highest rate of gun deaths per 100,000 residents, 28.6.


via Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund

“States with strong gun safety policies, such as background checks on all gun sales and extreme risk laws, have lower rates of gun violence while states with weaker gun laws, such as permitless gun carry and Stand Your Ground, have higher rates of gun violence,” Nick Suplina, senior vice president of law and policy at Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, told Upworthy.

Here are the top eight states when it comes to the strength of gun laws.

Top 8 states with strong gun laws

via Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund

The 8 states with the weakest gun laws

via Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund

You can see the entire list of all 50 states at the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund’s website.

"Everytown’s Gun Law Rankings shows what we have been saying for years: gun laws save lives. There is a clear and direct tie between a state's gun laws and its rate of gun deaths,” Suplina told Upworthy.

The evidence for strong gun safety laws appears to be overwhelming based on Everytown’s graph. But as any statistician will tell you, correlation doesn’t imply causation. In other words, just because states with tougher gun laws are safer doesn’t necessarily mean that strong gun laws are the sole reason that gun violence is lower.

The rankings also get a bit blurrier when one takes into account the fact that guns can move from state to state. Therefore, strong gun laws in one state can be affected by weaker laws in a neighboring state.

There is a whole host of factors that can influence the rate of gun violence in a given state, including socioeconomics, access to mental healthcare, education, social mobility and its citizens’ trust in institutions.

However, states with weaker gun laws make it easier to access firearms, and studies show that access to a firearm triples the likelihood of suicide, and a gun in the home is associated with more gun homicide.

The debate over guns has been one of the most heated fights in America’s culture wars and it won’t be solved anytime soon. But we all want what’s best for the country and to come to some effective agreement on how to do so we have to start with the facts. Everytown for Gun Safety has made a very compelling argument for stronger gun control laws across the country; it’ll be interesting to see if its opponents can muster any counterarguments that come close.

It's incredible what a double-sided magnet can do.

A new trend in treasure hunting called magnet fishing has blown up over the past two years, evidenced by an explosion of YouTube channels covering the hobby. Magnet fishing is a pretty simple activity. Hobbyists attach high-powered magnets to strong ropes, drop them into waterways and see what they attract.

The hobby has caught the attention of law enforcement and government agencies because urban waterways are a popular place for criminals to drop weapons and stolen items after committing a crime. In 2019, a magnet fisherman in Michigan pulled up an antique World War I mortar grenade and the bomb squad had to be called out to investigate.

Fifteen-year-old George Tindale and his dad, Kevin, 52, of Grantham, Lincolnshire in the U.K., made an incredible find earlier this month when they used two magnets to pull up a safe that had been submerged in the River Witham.

George has a popular magnet fishing YouTube channel called “Magnetic G.”

After the father-and-son duo pulled the safe out of the murky depths, they cracked it open with a crowbar and found about $2,500 Australian dollars (US$1,800), a shotgun certificate and credit cards that expired in 2004. The Tindales used the name found on the cards to find the safe’s owner, Rob Everett.

Everett’s safe was stolen during an office robbery in 2000 and then dumped into the river. “I remember at the time, they smashed into a cabinet to get to the safe,” Everett said, according to The Daily Mail. “I was just upset that there was a nice pen on my desk, a Montblanc that was never recovered.”

The robber, who was a teenage boy, was apprehended soon after the crime because he left behind a cap with his name stitched inside.

The father and son met up with Everett to return his stolen money and the businessman gave George a small reward for his honesty. He also offered him an internship because of the math skills he displayed in the YouTube video when he counted the Australian dollars. “What’s good about it is, I run a wealth management company and… I’d love him to work for us," Everett said.

Although the safe saga began with a robbery 22 years ago, its conclusion has left Everett with more faith in humanity.

“I was just amazed that they’d been able to track me down,” he said. “There are some really nice and good people in this world. They could have kept the money, they could have said they attempted to get hold of me.”

“There’s a big lesson there. It teaches George that doing good and being honest and giving back is actually more rewarding than taking,” Everett added.

Treasure hunting isn’t the only allure of the hobby for George. His mother says the hobby has taught him a lot about water pollution and its effects on local wildlife. “George is very environmentally conscious. He always has been since primary school,” she said. “When he first started to do this, he was after treasure. Everything ends up in the rivers and canals.”

This article originally appeared on 04.25.22


The story behind Drew Brees' birthmark, and why he'll never get it removed

It's important to him to teach kids there's nothing wrong with being different.

File:Drew Brees 2015.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

(This story originally appeared on 8.13.15. It has been updated)

Drew Brees never did look like your typical NFL quarterback.

Though Brees is retired now, the former New Orleans Saint was listed at a generous 6 feet tall, 209 pounds in his playing days, while the average height of a pro quarterback is more like 6'3".

He also has a pretty big birthmark placed prominently over his right cheek.

Drew Brees wearing a suit and smilingFile:Drew Brees (49396271982) (1).jpg - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.org

What happened to Drew Brees' face?

Nothing at all!

To set the record straight, the mark on Drew Brees' face is indeed a birthmark and not a scar or burn mark. It's been there his whole life.

Still, it's easy to see why fans might ask the question. It can be hard for people to wrap their heads around a celebrity having such a glaringly obvious "imperfection." In fact, the first time Oprah met Drew in person, she thought his birthmark was a lipstick smudge and tried to wipe it off.


Drew was selected to 13 Pro Bowls, led the league in passing yards seven times, and, of course, was named MVP of Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. He retired in 2021 as one of the most decorated athletes to ever play the sport, and has since had stints as a commentator and coach at his alma mater of Purdue.

But long before he was an NFL superstar and worldwide celeb, he was just a kid who got made fun of for being different.

"Because of my birthmark, which I was obviously born with, I got all kinds of comments when I was a kid, about 'Wipe that whatever off your face.' ... All kinds of names. People would call me 'Spot,'" Drew told CNN.

"I think they were trying to be malicious. They were trying to be hurtful."

When he grew up and found his way to fame and fortune, he had a choice: have the birthmark removed or use it to send a message.

Drew Brees has, to put it bluntly ... a lot of freaking money.

Over the course of his illustrious career, he signed multiple lucrative contracts and most years he earned upwards of $20 million per season.

There's no question he could pay for the plastic surgery to have that birthmark removed for good and have plenty of money leftover to enjoy his recovery in a five-star resort on Neptune, if he wanted.

But for Drew, this option never even crossed his mind.

In his book, "Coming Back Stronger," he writes: "Instead of seeing it as a bad thing, I chose to see it as something that made me unique and special. It set me apart from everyone else. ... Now it's just a part of who I am. I wouldn't consider cutting off my arm. Neither would I cut off my birthmark."

As his career blossomed, Drew began using his platform to tell kids like him that they don't need to be ashamed of who they are.

"There's lots of kids that may have something that somebody is going to make fun of. Their name, the way they look, the way they talk, the way they laugh. And it's so unfair, but it's reality," he said during his interview with CNN.

And in 2010, he teamed up with the It Gets Better movement to put out a message.

"Making fun of someone because they're different from you? That's not being tough, it's being ignorant," he said. "I want my fans to know that if you're making fun of someone ... then you are no friend of mine."

In Brees' heyday, fans would attend Saints games with fake birthmarks — sometimes stickers, sometimes temporary tattoos, sometimes eye black — on their faces to show their quarterback some love.

Life is pretty good as one of the NFL's most revered legends. But every time Drew takes the field or shows up on TV, he's showing kids all over the world that being different is good — and not only will it not hold you back from achieving whatever you want, it might even help you get there.

And as for whether he'll ever change his mind and have the mark removed?

He told TMZ, "As long as there's no health issues with it, then it stays."

Right on, Drew. Right on.

Here's Drew on CNN talking about the birthmark, dealing with his bullies, and how he used it as motivation to become great:


Couple in their 30s live permanently on cruise ships for a little over $10K a year

“I’m not a millionaire ... I just live full-time on cruise ships.”

A magnificent cruise ship on the ocean.

Giving it all up and retiring to live on a cruise ship at 32 seems like a lifestyle choice only available to the ultra-wealthy. However, two financially savvy retired school teachers from Tennessee have managed to do just that, spending under $10,000 for the first eight months at sea.

Monica Brzoska, 32, and Jorrell Conley, 36, met in 2015 while teaching in Memphis, Tennessee. The following year, they booked a week-long cruise to Mexico, Belize, and Grand Cayman. After that, they were hooked on cruising together.

Eight years later, in March 2023, they booked a week-long Caribbean cruise. When it was over, instead of returning home to Memphis, they had a wild idea: Why not continue to book consecutive cruises? So, they did just that.

Monica was inspired to start living the life she always wanted after her father fell ill and her mother told her: "Don't wait for retirement. Follow your dreams."

The couple crunched the numbers and found that if they chose the cheapest cabins and used the deals they’ve received from Carnival Cruises, they could book the first 8 months for just under $10,000. “It sounds mad, but the numbers made sense. Accommodation, food and entertainment would be included – we’d only need spending money,” Brzoska told The Sun. “And because we’d been on so many Carnival cruises, we’d earned access to some amazing offers.”

Hopping from ship to ship isn’t difficult for the couple because many disembark from the same ports. But they sometimes have to fly when they can’t walk to the next ocean liner.

The couple then quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and started a new life on the high seas. They rent out their 3-bedroom home in Memphis to maintain steady cash flow. The average 3-bedroom home in the area rents somewhere between $1200 to $1900 a month.

Over the first year of their new life, the couple completed 36 consecutive cruises. They have already visited countless destinations across the globe, but they can’t choose a favorite. "For a cultural experience, we loved Japan," Brzoska told a Carnival Cruise director on Instagram. The couple also loved Greece for its “history” and Iceland because it was the "closest to being on Mars."

One of the most incredible benefits of loving on a cruise ship is that so many things are taken care of for you. The couple never has to cook any meals, do any laundry or drive. Every night, there is something to do, whether it’s checking out a comedy show or enjoying drinks and dancing in the nightclub.

Plus, on cruises, just about all the costs are covered, so you rarely have to open your wallet. It’s a stress-free, all-inclusive lifestyle. Brzoska says that when you remove the everyday stresses from life, it’s great for your marriage. “Without the daily stresses of life, we rarely argued, but always told each other if we needed space or more time together,” she said.

The couple also makes sure to have one date night a week, during which they dress up and have a nice meal together.

Most people may be unable to give it all up and live their lives hopping from ocean liner to ocean liner. But there’s a great lesson in the story of Brzoska and Conley: You never know how much time you have left, so don’t wait for retirement to live the life of your dreams.

Upworthy has reached out to Brzoska for comment and is still awaiting a response.

Delivery guy shares his new mental health app on deliveries

Everyone with a dream has to start somewhere. Many people who start their own companies often start out by working on their business while also working another full-time job. Sometimes people work more than one job while also managing getting their business off the ground before they can solely focus on their business venture.

Businesses cost money to start and maintain even before you're at a place where you can hire employees. Everything from business licenses to websites and materials cost money that someone starting out may not have without another job, especially if they don't have wealthy investors lined up.

Bo Natakhin is one of those up and coming business owners. The man accidentally went viral when a video of him from someone's doorbell camera was shared on social media. Natakhin is a food delivery driver but while delivering food he also informs people of his true passion of helping people with mental health struggles. The young entrepreneur then shares with the customers his free mental health app.

There's a good reason he shares the news about his app in this unique way–he can't afford advertising. Only this time someone saw his wholesome pitch on their doorbell camera and decided to give him a boost by sharing it online.

"Hello ma'am, I got your food. I'll just leave it here. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry for my bad English," he says into the camera before sharing that delivering food is not his main job. "I just have to work here to just to earn money to live and my dream is to help people with their mental health and I'm working on it after my work at night."

Natakhin holds his phone up to the camera to show a clear picture of the app and informs the resident that if they ever need support they can use the app that he made. He explains that he doesn't have money for advertisements so he is telling all of his clients about it.

woman in black and white long sleeve shirt Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

The app is called Soul Out and is marketed as a mental health social media app and is free to download and use. It's set up to be used for peer support for people who may be going through a difficult time. The Soul Out Instagram page explains that each user has "karma points." A user accumulates karma points by helping others and when they share their own post to receive help, they spend some of their points.

Check In Mental Health GIF by mtvGiphy

Replying to posts will get you a point and if your comment is rated as helpful you receive two additional points. You can work within the areas in which you have the most experience by picking certain categories. The app is moderated, likely by a program as Natakhin is the only employee but it sounds like he runs a tight ship to keep the app safe for all users looking for help. Even without proper advertising funds, Soul Out now has over 10k downloads from social media and his unique approach to marketing while delivering food.

@upsocl Rompió en llanto al escuchar las palabras de este extraño #SouloutApp #entretenews #saludmental #solidaridad ♬ sonido original - Upsocl

The video that went viral likely contributing to the boost of downloads, has text overlay that reads, "protect this man at all costs...he's so cute" complete with a sobbing emoji. Natakhin shared the video to the official page for Soul Out and commenters can't seem to get enough of his creative approach to marketing.

"What a great idea! I hope you go far with this. Mental health is just as important as our Physical health," one person writes.

"Your English is just great! And your approach is heartwarming," another shares.

black and white printed shirt Photo by Nathan McDine on Unsplash

"Just downloaded the app… I just also replied one of the posts there, I must say it’s a beautiful app with a beautiful goal… sometimes you can also find people that go through the same as you and you don’t feel alone anymore… even tho, you can share the same and feel relief knowing that someone will finally understand you, and that’s a lot! Feeling that someone understands you is the best feeling… so, I hope I can be able to help people, as I would like to be helped… ;)) keep going! This is a start to change," one commenter shares their experience with the app.

Keep Moving Forward Mental Health GIF by INTO ACTIONGiphy

A free app to help those that may need additional support through difficult times is much needed. Hopefully he reaches his goal of getting enough donations to advertise and spread to other countries. If you'd like to help him with his mission you can donate $5 or more monthly through his Patreon page or you can make a one time donation through Buy Me A Coffee where he is only at 6% of his goal.

Pop Culture

Swedish author's blunt self-deprecating speech has people chuckling for 4 minutes straight

Fredrik Backman's humor is dry, droll, deadpan—and delightfully inspiring.

Image credits: Amazon (leff), C. Fleetwood (right)

Fredrik Backman is the author of "A Man Called Ove" and other novels.

Public speaking is one of the biggest fears the average person has and a skill that few come by naturally. But a 4-minute speech by bestselling author Fredrik Backman might just convince you that anyone can be a public speaker.

The author of "A Man Called Ove" and other novels spoke to an audience of writers and publishers at the Simon & Schuster centennial, and from his first line, he had the audience chuckling.

A Man Called OveA Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backmanf.media-amazon.com

"Good evening, my name is Fredrik Backman," he began. "I'm here tonight because my agent said it would be good for my career."

With a completely deadpan delivery, Backman proceeded to share how he spends eight hours a day locked in a room with people he made up. "If I were comfortable talking to real people, I'd have a real job," he quipped.

"Being a writer is the best way I know how to get paid for being insane," he added. He talked about how he and his brain aren't friends. "My brain and I are classmates doing a group assignment called 'Life,'" he said. "It's not going great."

Something about the dry, droll humor—someone called it self-deprecating melancholic Swedish humor—is just hilarious as he talks about anxiety and procrastination, but he managed to knock it out of the park at the end with bit of unexpected kindness and encouragement.

A clip of the first minute of Backman's speech went viral on TikTok, but the full speech is fantastic. Watch:

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

"I hope that one day I will be able to tell my agent that the reason that my next book is not finished yet is because I was busy reading yours," he concluded.

People loved Backman's speech both for its wit and its generosity of spirit:

"My goodness, his last line was so kind and generous. A perfect speech!"

"Deadpan self deprecation. Utterly brilliant."

"What a gem of a speech! This man is hilarious and didn’t crack a smile."

"I have rewatched this so many times. And it gives me joy every time!"

"Hearing other authors discuss their eccentricities always brings me so much comfort. This was brilliant."

"This video is well worth 4 minutes of your time. I have only read his book 'A Man Called Ove' but it is a truly wonderful book and I plan to read more of his work."

"Mr. Backman is a treasure. I'd never heard of him before, but now I'm anxious to read his work."

"I'm here as a proud Swede to watch this amazing speech by this absolutely amazing Swedish author. He's brilliant and I absolutely love everything he's written. We who come from a tiny country always love it when other people from our tiny country make it big. It becomes a sort of national pride. And Fredrik Backman is someone Sweden can be really proud of."


#fredrikbackman #booktok #beartown #bookrecommendations

As Backman proved, you don't have to be a polished public speaker or give a long speech to inspire people. Sometimes just being yourself, telling the truth and putting your own unique brand of humor to work is all it takes to capture an audience and leave them wanting more.