These images of Doggos being reunited with their favorite humans are a wave of pure joy

Humans and dogs have a long, historic relationship that plays out in special, individual bonds the world over. Countless people have found themselves unable to resist the adorableness of a puppy they were just going to "look at," and ended up in a mutually adoring relationship. Countless kids have grown up with a loyal canine companion who is always there for them and makes up a big part of their childhood memories.
This bond is no more apparent than when a dog and its favorite human get separated and then reunited. Some dogs express excitement when they see pretty much anyone, but when a pup has a person, there's nothing like it.
Just look at how happy this lost doggo is to see her owner—and vice versa.
This dog's favorite human has had to social distance from his family due to a lung condition during the pandemic. When they finally get to see each other? Magic.
When your pup goes missing, it's traumatic. A good samaritan found this dog from "Missing" signs put up in the neighborhood, and just look how the owner comes running when he sees his furry friend in the front seat.
This gentleman has been in the hospital, so someone had to hold the sweet pupperoo back a bit at first so the man didn't get pummeled with love. But once they let go, the good doggo gave him some warm, gentle lovin'.
Sometimes a reunion happens after a long absence, but dogs remember their loved ones. It may take some sniffing around a bit to trigger the recognition, but once that happens it's a sight to behold.
This sweet girl has been living in a shelter for three year after getting separated from her owner. It takes her a minute to realize who he is, but then the love fest begins. The jumping and the whimpering? So awesome.
Dog Reunited with Owner Slowly Recognizes Dad After Years in Shelter | The
This dog's owner's been gone for two years with the military. At first, the dog seems not to recognize her, and even seems wary of her. Then comes the sniff and a hug. Then full-on celebration.
Se n'è andata da 2 anni ... guardate la reazione del suo cane quando la
This golden retriever doesn't have that issue. In fact, just the mention of his mama being home sends him to the door, and when she comes in? Best. Day. Ever.
Adorable Golden Retriever Welcomes Marine
This owner and his dog have only been separated for five weeks, but a five-week hospital stay that results in a 50-pound weight loss confused the poor pup. He barks and won't get close enough to smell him at first. But once he does, the tail goes wagging and the kisses commence.
Dog Doesn't Recognize Owner After Weight Loss...Until He Sniffs | The
Sometimes a dog that's gone missing goes through some things before they finally get reunited with their humans. This doggo seems scared when she sees her family after having been lost for 19 months. Who knows what she experienced, but once she starts warming up a bit and gets close enough to smell her humans, the reunion becomes the joyful party it should be.
Dog Reunited with Family Gets So Happy After She Recognizes Their Scent | The
But this one. This one really shows how much Jorge the dog missed his owners after being lost for three years. You can hear it in his voice. Seriously.
Man Films Himself Reuniting With Dog After 3 Years Apart | The
Humans barely deserve dogs, but we're so grateful for the joy, companionship, and genuine no-strings-attached love they bring to our lives.
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