#AbledsAreWeird offers a brilliant taste of the everyday crap people with disabilities deal with.

People without disabilities may not realize how much more difficult they make life for those with them.
Folks who deal with physical or mental disabilities already face challenges in a world designed for abled people. But lack of access and accommodations are not the only difficulties they have to take on. Far too often, people with disabilities also have to battle ignorance and stigma from their fellow humans.
People with disabilities have taken to Twitter to share their personal accounts of able-bodied and able-minded people's bizarre comments and behaviors toward them. Twitter user Imani Barbarin created the hashtag #AbledsAreWeird to accompany the stories—a sarcastic jab at those among us who are oblivious to the lives of a good portion of the population.
Those with disabilities can find solidarity in these stories, and those without disabilities can get a much needed education about what folks with them deal with.
For example, not being believed or having your disability dismissed by people who don't understand it:
Or the choice encounters people who use wheelchairs have on a regular basis:
Many people without disabilities really like to tell folks with disabilities how they should feel.
Like, how can you possibly be happy with your life? But also, you're an inspiration!
The stories go on and on, ranging from things people without disabilities might not realize to totally baffling and insensitive behavior.
Many of the stories highlighted the surprising challenges people with disabilities face in getting the medical care they need.
And that's just a handful of the personal experiences people shared. Though some of the stories may seem shocking, they are sadly not uncommon. Hopefully seeing them will help understanding and empathy for those whose lives are affected by visible and invisible disabilities.
Oh, and a little P.S. for those who feel the need to complain about the word "ableds" or "weird" in the hashtag:
- They were targeted by a cruel TikTok challenge. How they responsded is an example to us all. - Upworthy ›
- They were targeted by a cruel TikTok challenge. How they responded is an example to us all. - Upworthy ›
- Students design a wheelchair attachment so dad can take son on a walk - Upworthy ›
- A good Samaritan rescues a wheelchair-bound man off of subway tracks. - Upworthy ›
- A teacher at a school for the deaf had to tell her students people can hear farts - Upworthy ›