There's one variable that could sway the presidential election, and not a single political pundit is talking about it:
The hellbent ghosts of your Jewish grandparents.
All GIFs via Bend the Arc Jewish Action/YouTube.
In a hilarious new video by advocacy group Bend the Arc Jewish Action, grandparents warn that they're willing to set aside all their plans for the afterlife to spook you silly if you vote for Donald Trump.
These folks say they've seen leaders like him before, and they're really not too keen on watching the sequel: "We saw it in Germany, and we don’t want to see it here."
Not only are they quite opposed to the idea of electing a child-in-chief — "He’s petulant; he reminds me of my kid when he was little." — they're also not too thrilled with what they're hearing from him on the campaign trail — "I’m afraid he’s far more than a putz."
So if you're thinking about casting a ballot for the GOP nominee this November, the future ghosts of your elders want you to know: You have a lot to lose.
They will, for instance, wreak havoc on your groceries.
They will play matchmaker from beyond the grave, whether you like it or not.
They'll mess with your social media accounts.
They'll basically ruin television for you until you also die.
And then take the fun out of every get-together you host — indefinitely.
Let's also not forget the impact a Trump presidency would have, aside from an influx of ghosts of bitter grandparents.
There's Trump's plans to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, strip rights from the LGBTQ community and women, increase stop-and-frisk policies that discriminately target black and brown communities, and ban an entire religion from immigrating to the U.S.
That really just scratches the surface.
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images.
What are you waiting for?
Register to vote (and avoid being tormented for eternity) while you still can.