6 tweets that prove there is no debate in the vaccine debate.
Is America gonna be the land of the free and the home of the measles? How about no.
All 7 Billion
So, the discussion about vaccines has been going reeeeally strongly lately after a measles outbreak turned "The Happiest Place on Earth" (Disneyland) into headline news. Back in the day, measles pretty much didn't exist in the United States because of the measles vaccine. But now it's back. Why? Because people are refusing to vaccinate.
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? WHY is that a question?
Good question.
Questions are good.
Here are some answers from some very different sources.
A grandma:
The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 3, 2015
A Republican:
There's nothing conservative or libertarian about leaving your children vulnerable to dangerous and preventable diseases. #vaccineswork
— Ron Nehring (@RonNehring) February 3, 2015
One chart puts what's going on with #measles into context:
— Sue Desmond-Hellmann (@SueDHellmann) February 2, 2015
A map:
Bet you can't guess which state is #1 in #vaccinations #VaccinateYourKids #vaccineswork
— Daily Kos (@dailykos) February 2, 2015
A mom:
Measles could have killed my daughter during two years of chemotherapy treatment as her immune system was suppressed. #vaccineswork
— Karen Attwood (@KarenAAttwood) February 3, 2015
A celebrity:
I Didn't Vaccinate My Child—And I Regret It via @sallykohn Thanks for writing, Sally! Very brave & important article.
— Morgan Fairchild (@morgfair) February 3, 2015
A dead guy:
Thomas Jefferson wrote this to Dr. Edward Jenner, aka the man who invented vaccines. He basically told him that he had changed the world and therefore become an immortal force for good in the world. This coming from the guy who kinda invented American democracy (another thing we like!).
... and they all agree: #vaccineswork.
Sometimes there aren't two sides. There's just what works.