Weird restrictions on SNAP benefits will humiliate people. Like being broke isn't hard enough.
If you've ever lived a day in the life of a food stamp recipient, you'll know why anyone voting for this restriction is straight-up on a power trip.
Lawmakers in Missouri apparently have solved all of their other problems and have the free time to go after things like this:
Let's hear from someone who has used food stamps in real life, like Donna Dickens (managing editor of HitFix's Harpy):
We were on government assistance for a few years and I promise you, if you see an EBT family buying steak, that's their ONE treat all month
— Donna Dickens (@MildlyAmused) April 7, 2015
Sen. Cory Booker took the SNAP Challenge in the not-so-distant past. Here was his takeaway by Day 6:
Today is my 6th day of the SNAP Challenge; my 6th sweet potato; my 6th day of canned beans; and, my 6th day of canned veggies. I still like those foods but I found myself craving some variety. I realize when you find food on sale or buy in bulk, you can end up eating a lot of the same thing over and over.
Some of the people contacting me through social media have shared stories of people buying junk on SNAP or worse abusing the system. Well, after one week eating a SNAP equivalent diet I can't blame someone for buying something as a "treat" or sweets to break up a diet a bit. Also, I know that folks on SNAP don't always have an abundance of wholesome food available to them and end up consuming many empty calories. The fraud and abuse issues do exist but are often overblown or exaggerated.
As my food supply dwindles, I am keenly aware that millions of Americans face food insecurity and hunger on a daily basis. I am deeply concerned, and believe our nation needs to be more attentive and engaged. The SNAP program is at great risk for budget cuts as Washington pares federal spending to avert a year-end fiscal crisis. These cuts to SNAP funding could mean millions of more Americans - families with children, families with elderly and veterans - will live with less food, less options, and less hope.
Here are some quick SNAP facts — for instance, did you know many military families make ends meet by using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits?
People who think you need to go around humiliating and micromanaging those who are using benefits THAT THEIR OWN MONEY PAID INTO WHEN THEY WERE HAVING BETTER TIMES, I ask you:
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