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These animals are so grateful to the rescuers who saved them. This reminds me why I love humanity.
I want to be like these people.
Sometimes, a friend is someone who sees that you're stuck and helps you free yourself and get on the right path again. This can happen in small ways and dramatic ways.
These are some dramatic ways (thanks to a touching video from produced by Animals Australia.).
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When this dog was stuck on an iceberg in Russia, sailors stopped what they were doing and set out on a rescue mission.
This dog was stuck in a river in Bosnia, scrambling to find a way out through the garbage washed up on the bank. Passersby sprang into action.
And in Brazil, this pup was stuck in an underground pipe. These sweet people didn't let him remain that way, though.
All these stories bring this quote to mind:
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'" — Mister Rogers
Sometimes we ARE the helpers, and sometimes — like these animals — we NEED the helpers.
Tell us in our Facebook comments about someone you know who's a helper like this, or better yet, share this on your own page with a shout out to them.