Olympic kite surfer stumbles upon a drowning woman while testing a new camera and saves her
The whole thing was captured on video.

A kite surfer rides the wind and waves.
Thanks to an Olympic kite surfer being in just the right place at just the right time, a woman in danger of drowning was discovered far from shore and rescued off the coast of Brazil. And thank to the kite surfer testing out a new camera on his board, the whole dramatic incident was captured on film.
Brazilian Olympian Bruno Lobo was out kite surfing off the coast of the city of São Luís, Brazil, on January 10, 2025, when he heard a cry for help. Soon he spotted a woman who was clearly struggling in the water. "I promptly approached her with the kite, tried to calm her down and asked her to climb on my back (as) she was very tired and had no strength," he wrote in an Instagram post where he shared the video. It appears she was far from shore and was unable to get back by herself.
“I was very surprised at that moment to see someone at that level in the sea, and when I recognized that she was drowning I promptly went in her direction to help,” Lobo told CNN Sport. He was able get her back to the shoreline where she was attended to by lifeguards.
Some people were confused about how the rescue was filmed. It looks like Lobo was using a 360 degree camera attached to the end of his board. The technology of these cameras allows for a view from all angles, usually with a stabilization feature that makes for a smooth result. In addition, layering images from two lenses eliminates seeing the stick that's attached to the camera, making it look like the camera was just hovering in the air.
It was Lobo's desire to test the camera that prompted him to go out that day. The woman, who has since been identified as Maria Eduarda, shared her thanks in the comments of Lobo's post:
"Words can't describe my gratitude! It was the salvation that God and my guides sent to me. I really could not handle it if I spent 5 minutes on the high sea even knowing how to swim and using anti-drowning techniques. Thank you very much and I wish you showers of blessings in your life!" Eduardo truly was fortunate, since Lobo had considered not going out that day due to the cloudiness.
The governor of the Brazilian state of Maranhão presented Lobo a medal of honor "in recognition of his act of bravery in saving the young Maria Eduarda," adding that the kite surfer "makes Maranhão proud in sport and in life."
The rescue is a good close-up illustration of how hard it is to see someone in the water, even when conditions are relatively calm. It's also a reminder that even strong swimmers can be pulled by strong currents and find themselves in a harrowing situation without warning. Some people shared that the Brazilian in particular can be dangerous.
"The rip tides along the entire coast of Brazil kill hundreds each year. Locals all know which beaches can be enjoyed under what conditions, but tourists have no idea."
"I was helicoptered out of a rip tide off the east coast of Brazil. This brings back memories."
"A tip from a native Floridian for tourists: Rip tides are narrow. If you find yourself being pulled out by a rip tide, swim parallel to the beach until you're out of the current and then swim to shore. You will never make it fighting directly against the current."
Lobo, who is an orthopedic surgeon in addition to being an Olympic kite surfer, also warned people to respect the water. "Stay alert about the danger of the sea, rivers and anywhere you don't know because the current in some places is usually very strong!" he wrote.
In reflecting on the events of that day and the interviews he fielded in the aftermath, Lobo said he was only doing his duty and that he felt he was being used as an instrument of divine intervention. "We don't explain how God does, but I know he has a purpose for each of us!" he wrote. "May we be instruments in His hand, to love others and to do good.☝🏻 🙏🏻"