Dionne Warwick on 'The Today Show' via Twitter.
What makes a social media star? Usually it's a perfect blend of direct honesty, zesty wit and a down-to-earth way of communicating on the fly. So really, is it any surprise that sensational music icon Dionne Warwick has won the title Queen of Twitter? I think her thousands upon thousands of followers—or as she calls them, her "babies"—would give a resounding "no."
"The Today Show" recently interviewed Warwick to discuss adding internet fame to her many, many, many accolades. The pop icon noted that learning the platform gave her "a chance to to meet some really wonderful kids … and some grown ups that finally figured out how to do it."
"Auntie" Dionne first came to Twitter at the suggestion of her social media savvy niece, Brittani Warwick. Brittani, also Dionne's branding director, knew her auntie's inherent "nosiness" would be well received. She told People, "The great thing about Aunt Dionne is she brings such joy just by being herself, even if she's being very firm and stern with you, it's through love."
Though she is "not writing a bio," Dionne has been delighting celebrities, corporations and fans alike. Everyone is fair game.
Revisiting some of her top-tier tweeting moments—both infamous and obscure—it's easy to see why this 80-year-old woman is dominating the app while making friends (not to mention endorsement offers) along the way.
The tweet to Snoop Dogg that started it all.
How do send a tweet to @SnoopDogg? Did I do this correctly?
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) December 3, 2020
Warwick's playful spirit showed up in her tweet asking "How do send a tweet to @SnoopDogg? Did I do this correctly?"
Yes, Dionne, you nailed it. We don't even care about the improper grammar.
(And yes, Snoop Dogg did reply eventually)
Which led to roasting Chance the Rapper…
Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this.
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) December 5, 2020
Warwick must have gotten the hang of the platform pretty quickly. Only two days later she jokingly called out Chance the Rapper's stage name.
"Hi, @chancetherapper. If you are very obviously a rapper why did you put it in your stage name? I cannot stop thinking about this." She went on to start calling herself "Dionne the Singer."…and The Weeknd…
The Weeknd is next. Why? It’s not even spelled correctly? @theweeknd
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) December 5, 2020
On a savage streak, Dionne chose to hit R&B artist The Weeknd, tweeting: "The Weeknd is next. Why? It's not even spelled correctly? @theweeknd"
…and a music collaboration for charity.
Dionne Warwick will release her new single “Nothing’s Impossible” featuring @chancetherapper on Friday, November 26th.
— Dionne Warwick Archive (@WarwickArchive) November 5, 2021
The song is apart of Kind Music Academy, @SocialWorks, and @NotImpossible’s 12 Days of Giving event. pic.twitter.com/ig4wK0sfjm
What started as social media comedy has now turned into a collaboration. Dionne (the singer), Chance the Rapper and The Weeknd have a new song coming out this week (on Nov 26). The single, titled "Not Impossible," will go to support charities SocialWorks, Hunger: Not Impossible and Kind Music Academy; and it will help launch 12 Days of Giving, a campaign focused on keeping those in need warm and fed during the cold winter months. Warwick always uses her imminent power for good.
Her honorary staff position at Twitter
Employee of the Month https://t.co/qcpV4E51tC
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) October 26, 2021
Warwick's tweets (or "twotes," as she prefers to call them) have made such a digital splash that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey told her he wanted Warwick on his staff, referring to her as "Employee of the Month." Dionne immediately let the world know about her new position.
When she gave some loving advice to a stranger
Sometimes life will throw a bit of dust our way, so get out the pledge and give it a big swipe. A bit of prayer can be the answer too. 🥰 https://t.co/ifxOoanye0
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) November 4, 2021
Proving that she really is "everybody's auntie," Dionne dished out some wisdom to a stranger having a rough time.
Her airport humble brag
Sorry. https://t.co/GnAJmJ0nJm
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) October 28, 2021
In her defense, Dionne is cute everywhere she goes. And she did just apologize.
That time she reached out to let us know she is, in fact, not dead
Oh no! https://t.co/RrN3HOnMRa
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) May 12, 2021
As one commenter wrote, "you ain't famous until a media source says you're dead while you're trying to eat breakfast."
When she became a Swiftie
It does not belong to you. Box it up and I will pay the cost of postage, Jake.
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) November 15, 2021
A kinship was already forged when Warwick initially tweeted to Taylor Swift wishing her good day. But she also weighed in on the case of Taylor's missing red scarf (the one Jake Gyllenhaal was rumored to still have post-breakup). She even offered to pay postage for Gyllenhaal to return it.
The whole thing sparked an online debate as to whether or not the scarf was really a scarf at all, or whether it was actually a metaphor for Taylor's … well … let's just say something else that can be lost but not returned.
Her hilarious and "unnecessary" brand deal audition
If these youngsters can secure brand deals, so can I. Nobody asked for this, but here is my audition tape for @Oreo, @Popeyes, @BushsBeans, and @Hellmanns.
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) October 28, 2021
Watch my full audition here 🎬 https://t.co/OY0rCA68iC pic.twitter.com/6v6NsZO3a7
She told Twitter: "All these children, babies, youngsters, are grabbing on all of these wonderful commercial that they're doing. somethings wrong with this picture. Why aren't these brands coming after people with my age demographic?"
Then she decided that maybe they were waiting for an audition.
Her video included a hilarious throwback to Hellmann's mayonnaise, where she reiterated that she was a hell no for mayo in coffee.
All of the brands replied back to tell Miss Warwick that an audition was not necessary. Rightfully so.
Becoming the new face of Oreo
I promise I won’t choose a weird flavor. Have your people call my people. https://t.co/5gHhcvs6wk pic.twitter.com/lqMN5wTBwZ
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) October 28, 2021
People were quick to eat up this branded co-op idea.
One person tweeted "I would buy them in a heartbeat."
Though Dionne promises not to pick a weird flavor, I think people would even flock to an Oreo that tasted like salmon, if her image appeared on the packaging.
When she championed Megan Thee Stallion, and women everywhere
Good things to good people. @theestallion #GRAMMYnoms
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) November 25, 2020
When one person responded to Dionne's tweet saying "miss Warwick, you're a hot girl??? what you know about Megan?" she had the perfect response:
"I know that she is a smart young lady with a good heart!" she replied.
She added "I don't know what a 'hot girl' is, but women support women in this house! I am happy to see kind people receive recognition. That's all. (I'm turning 80. Please do not tell me what a 'hot girl' is )."
Her sweet reminder that she's spreading love, not throwing shade
I am only joking around and having fun on here. If you ever “catch shade” just know that Auntie still loves you. ❤️
— Dionne Warwick (@dionnewarwick) March 22, 2021
I think this person sums up our collective response: "I'll take Auntie shade or love or whatever you throw my way."
And lastly, her SNL appearance, meeting "herself"
Dionne's Twitter fame is so vast that "Saturday Night Live" featured a scene where Dionne Warwick tells herself (played by Ego Nwodim) "Darling, I'm not perfect. I'm just very very good."
Indeed she is. Thank you Miss Warwick for brightening up the internet and bridging the gap between generations, inspiring everyone to engage in more lighthearted interactions.
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