Adults share things teens 'aren't ready to hear,' and it's some solid advice for all ages
'Social media is not reality and your entire life should not revolve around it.'

Some trends aren't even worth experimenting with.
With age comes the gift of wisdom, along with maybe a wrinkle or two. As we grow older we inevitably learn things about life that can only be taught through experience and time. However, passing along that hard-earned knowledge isn’t always easy. After all, when we’re younger, the world seems to be much more simple. We are not yet fully aware that things never stop changing—trends that were once "in" will eventually go "out" (and probably become a source of embarrassment). Or worse, they come back around as a as the latest “retro” or “nostalgic” trend. Ouch.
Of course, we’re not just talking about fashion or taste in music. Hopefully, we all expand our worldview after our teenage years, growing more mature, grounded, and less self-absorbed. That’s not always the case, of course, but it is the goal.
In 2022, now-deleted Reddit user u/Slight_Weight asked folks to share things that teens today “are not ready to hear” and honestly, I expected to find cynical, snarky “kids today don’t know anything” type of comments. On the contrary, a lot of it was really just tough love; much of the advice isn’t age-specific and fall into “be a kind human” reminders all around. Of course, other answers were just plain funny.
Check out 17 of the best answers. For the youngsters, just trust us on this. And for the…um…more refined crowd, you’ll probably relate to them all.1. “Everything you do as a teenager will be cringe to your children.” – @divinetrackies
2."You won't 'feel' different when you're older, or have kids. You'll just be you, it's weird.” – @Poshspicer
3. “Today's eyebrows are yesterday's clown makeup.” – @Lardinho
4. "In 15 years you’re going to think the kids have gone too far and they’re going to think you’re old-fashioned.” – @neat_machine
5. “Getting good at stuff will take time. Sometimes lots of time. And sometimes, you'll spend lots of time on something, and you still won't get good at it. That's the human experience. Some things you struggle with will come very easily to others, but some things they struggle with will come very easily to you. Don't be mad that someone possesses skills you don't, and don't be a jerk for possessing skills that many other people don't.” – @OskeeWootWoot
6. “Nobody else wants to hear whatever TikTok you’re watching. Buy some headphones.“ – @EmiliusReturns
7. "Being controversial isn't the same as being interesting.” – @HezFez238
8. “School has a system in place to keep you from falling behind, life doesn’t.” – @Corey854
9. “Just because you fucked up does NOT mean you’re a fuckup.” – @Mr_Murder1
10. “Things will likely take significantly longer to achieve than you think.” – @Dull-College
11. "Life is NOT like a video game where you just keep leveling up. Sometimes, what you built will fall apart, and you will have to repeatedly do the same thing over and over…However, don't beat yourself up about it - this is normal. And with experience, you will also become more adept at facing and resolving problems, so each time the same problem repeats, you will be better at solving them.” – @EmpRupus
12. “Not everybody can be an internet sensation, somebody has to drive the dump truck.” – @Raggydasavage
13. “Social media is not reality and your entire life should not revolve around it.” – @RickGrimesSnotBubble
14. “One day you too will be old and uncool. And it'll happen faster than you think.” – @omguseries
15. “Just because it's new to you doesn't mean it's new.” – @Broad_word_1690
16. “As you get older you just keep realizing how dumb you were last year.” – @Comparison_Past
17. “That heartache you're going through? It consumes everything now but it will be nothing but a footnote in the future. You'll rarely think about it later - & when you do, it won't hurt you. It's hard to hear that your pain isn't the worst in the world when you're feeling it. But it does help to know that it won't mean as much as it does in this moment.” – @st3washere1
This article originally appeared three years ago.