
tiktok video

Doorbell camera catches boy's rant about mom's chicken

When you're a kid you rarely have a lot of say in what you get to eat for dinner. The adult in your house is the one that gets to decide and you have to eat whatever they put on your plate. But one little boy is simply tired of eating chicken and he doesn't care who knows it. Well, he cares if his mom knows.

Lacy Marie uploaded a video from her doorbell camera to TikTok her son. The little boy is caught on camera taking the trash out venting about always having to eat chicken. He rants all the way to the trash can, being sure to get it out of his system before he makes it back into the house.

"Chicken. No more chicken. Tell me you like, we have chicken every day. Eat this, eat that, eat more chicken, keep eating it," the 10-year-old complains. "It's healthy for you. Like, we get it. We have chicken every day."

Apparently the little boy doesn't think eating chicken every day is good for his gains at the gym as he says he works out. He does not care about lean protein and likely doesn't care about whatever science is behind chicken being a healthy food to consume for muscle development. He. Doesn't. Want. Chicken. And it seems like the commenters under the video are on his side.

"Give that man a steak," one person says.

"My dud has been married for 25 years and he's had enough," another jokes.

"Every single day of his years?! Really mom?," someone laughs

"I'm thinking you need to give chicken a break. He's been eating it everyday of all of his years," a commenter writes.

Even Sam's Club got in on the jokes saying, "chickens hearing this," with two eye emojis with an open mouth. Poor little guy, the internet is on your side, maybe you'll get some burgers instead.

Check out the video below:


10-year-old caught on doorbell cam venting!! #hilarious #nomorechicken #heworksout

This article originally appeared in March.


The music cut out mid-routine at a cheer competition. 10,000 people stepped in to help.

The cheerleaders in the crowd immediately counted and clapped in unison to help keep the routine going.

Music goes out in the middle of a cheer competition

Competitive cheerleading is one of the most difficult activities out there. At any given moment, you're flipping, spinning or getting tossed in the air all while shouting chants and trusting your stunt group will catch you. Throw some dancing in the mix and it's like a mash-up of gymnastics, dance and acrobatics that requires tight ponytails and plastered-on smiles even when it hurts.

It's a sport that gets little respect outside of other cheerleaders and their family members, but the training is intense. The private tumbling lessons so you can land your back handspring full twisting layout before tryouts. Gym nights so long you may as well live there, all leading up to important competitions where all of your hard work is on full display.

Imagine putting in all that time, only to have the music stop while you're mid-routine at that competition you just drove hours to get to.

That's exactly what happened to a competitive cheer squad in the middle of what appears to be a National Cheer Association competition. Technical issues are a possibility whenever there's technology in use, but thankfully, cheerleaders generally learn their routines without music to an eight-count with emphasis on the odd numbers. Lucky for the cheerleaders who lost their music mid-routine, the crowd was full of other cheerleaders.

When the music went out, the crowd immediately began to count and clap in unison so the cheerleaders on the mat could finish their routine without interruption. The entire thing was caught on video and the internet is having some feelings.

"This literally gave me chills. They say cheer isn't a sport! Please. This was the epitome of sportsmanship! Class act! Pure bada**," one commenter wrote.

"The way they didn't even hesitate, they heard the music stop and immediately started counting. I have no background in cheer but this was amazing to see," another person said.It's not clear who the cheerleaders are or where this took place. It was posted to TikTok recently by Magen Reaves and currently has 1.9 million views. You can watch the incredible moment for yourself below.


And why were we all crying?! Such a sweet moment and they slayed their routine! 📣 #AXERatioChallenge #cheerleaders #cheer #cheerleaders #cheertok #competitivecheer #allstarcheer #nca #ncacheer #dallas #zero #zerodeductions