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Pop Culture

Millennials predict what other things they will witness in their lifetime

From AI therapists to widespread 4-day workweeks, the future holds so many possibilities.

Buckle up.

Millennials have witnessed a lot in their time. Some of these events have been positive, like a decrease in the gender pay gap, more LGBTQ rights and sweeping technological advancements that, despite their flaws, do provide unprecedented access to information and resources.

On the other hand, the slew of economic crises, pandemics, natural disasters and tragedies incited by gun violence make it easy to see why this group is labeled “the unluckiest generation.”

And since change continues at an ever increasing rate, who’s to say what life will look like in 50 or even 10 years time?

Recently, someone on Ask Reddit posed the question:

“Millennials, what do you think we're gonna possibly see in our lifetime?”

The general consensus was certainly a mixed bag. Below are some of the answers that stood out.

Many predicted massive, not-so-great shifts as a direct result of global warming and climate change.

global warming, climate changePhoto of a forest firePhoto credit: Canva

Or as physicistdeluxe put it, “lots of heat and weird weather.”

“I live north of Seattle and have for all my life…Snow would stick around for a few days and we'd have multiple snow days. Now snow dumps once or twice, if that, and is gone by mid-day. Used to go camping before school started and we'd be able to have a campfire. Can't do that anymore as burn bans start in early July. Snow in the mountains all year round. Not anymore.” —Hungrypotato19

A911owner seconded:

“I live in the northeast; I'm convinced we're less than 10 years away from having our first winter where —-we don't get any snow. The last few years have seen very little and it melts quickly. “

Only a slightly brighter note, quite a few expected to see impactful medical advancements, especially thanks to gene therapy.

crispr, medical techFinger pointing at futuristic medical hologramPhoto credit: Canva

Fulcrum87 anticipated a “cure for cystic fibrosis” in a couple of decades, while miss_kimba and others counted on “cancers and systemic diseases” being eliminated.

On the same front, UnluckyCustard8130 “guaranteed” that there would be an equal uptick in “designer” babies. While someone else theorized that “AI therapists” would become mainstream.

Meanwhile, someone else just hoped for “universal healthcare including dental 😭.”

Speaking of healthcare, PracticalCows (and others) stated that this generation would witness “our healthcare system collapsing when all the Baby Boomers need end of life care at the same time.”

“This will be what creates the final push for universal healthcare. The only generation who opposes it in large numbers will be the ones who need it most,” said BillionaireGhost.

Millennials agree that the future workplace will also likely continue to change at a rapid pace, and in a way that provides more work-life balance.

workplace, 4 day work weekPhoto of a group of coworkers with laptopsPhoto credit: Canva

“With luck, widespread adoption of the 4-day work week,” declared Certain-Mongoose6323.

As one commenter pointed out, “there's more benefits for both employee and employer than downsides, enough studies have proven it at this point. And just like with the five day work week, any company that doesn't follow suit will find their labor pool all going to their competitors.”

Especially as the 2024 election looms near, many millennials worry about the future of democracy as we know it.

democracy, 2024 electionGroup of protestorsPhoto credit: Canva

Jamanuh1776 went so far as to say we “might actually witness the fall of the American Empire.”

_idiot_kid_ added:

“As an American this thought is always in the back of my head. The USA is a really young nation. And it's doing many things completely wrong. When I'm old my birth country may no longer exist. That's a serious fear that I'm not sure older generations ever experienced.”

As far as the economy is concerned, folks are understandably wary.

economy, recession, housing crisisMan looking at graphPhoto credit: Canva

“I hope I see us all being able to relax, afford a decent house and get married if that’s what we want. I just want to wake up next to someone I like in my own home. I don’t know why this is suddenly some kind of fantasy akin to winning the lottery,” lamented enchiladasundae.

Meanwhile, Jahstin predicted Costco’s famous $1.50 hot dog combo might one day cost $2.

“This here is the scariest one,” one person joked. Honestly, with rising food prices, concern is warranted.

People also expected continued progress in society’s relationship to space travel.

space travel, space x Picture of a rocket in spacePhoto credit: Canva

Southern_Lead_1469 suggested that in 25-35 years space tourism would become “a real thing,” while BlinksTale quipped “The Mars landing will be neat.”

But again, it's not all gloom and doom. The conversation wasn’t without some signature millennial humor.

Match0311 hoped to see “Cereal bags that open and close like a Ziploc bag,” while another joked that “The 5th dentist will finally cave and they’ll all recommend Trident gum.”

I'm looking forward to those personal assistant robots like in 'Fallout' where they do your laundry and dishes and occasionally kill you,” said nzodd, while Blitz-IMP just wants there to be a “Spice Girls reunion.”

Lastly, one person is holding out for a future where his wife “actually breaks down a cardboard box before throwing it in the recycling bin.” It’s important to hold onto our dreams, no matter how lofty.

Pop Culture

Thousands of people are sharing the celebrity they want to be president. Here are the top 15.

"It's 2024, and the U.S. has elected a random celebrity as president, who do you want it to be?"

Keanu Reeves, Dolly Parton and Morgan Freeman.

Throughout the years there have been some notable celebrities who have changed careers to become politicians. The most notable is Ronald Reagan, who went from a ‘50s B-list actor to governor of California (1967 to 1975) and then President of the United States (1981 to 1989).

There was also Donald Trump who went from the host of “Celebrity Apprentice” to becoming a one-term president (2017 to 2021) and action star Arnold Schwarzenegger who served as Governor of California from (2003 to 2011).

Former actor and “Saturday Night Live” writer Al Franken was a Senator in Minnesota from 2009 to 2018 until he stepped down amidst allegations of misconduct.

Although the Trump presidency was controversial, to say the least, there is still an appetite out there for having people from outside the world of politics hold office. A Reddit user by the name @Alarming_Research936 proved it when he asked the online forum, “It's 2024, and the U.S. has elected a random celebrity as president, who do you want it to be?” and they received over 7,000 responses.

Last year, Upworthy covered a similar question posed to Reddit, “You get to add another American to Mt. Rushmore but it can’t be a president. Who do you choose?” and there were two people who made both lists. Can you figure out who they are?

Below, I’ve ranked the top 15 vote-getters to determine which celebrity Americans want most in the Oval Office. To determine each celebrity’s position, I looked at the number of upvotes each suggestion received and then ranked them. It’s not the most scientific way of doing things but it gives us a pretty good idea about who people think should be in the White House.

Here are the top 15 celebrities that Americans want to be president.


"Jon Stewart. He would hate every second of it, which would make him great." — @Earthiness

@ThePhiff added:

"Absolutely the best choice. His takedown of 'Crossfire' should be required viewing for anyone watching cable news on any regular basis."


"Dolly Parton." — @Nawositol

@Smarterthantheaverag added:

"Yeah, but she would only work....9 to 5."


"Weird Al Yankovic, the world could use some comedy." — @Ginger-Beefcake


"Morgan Freeman every press conference would be like listening to god." — @canuckstopthecup1


"Keanu." — @liveluaghween


"Danny Devito." — @LittleSoftTail

@Stuey_7787 added:

"The gang moves into the White House would be a pretty good episode."


"Steve Buscemi." — @itsmeDreadShock

@lordph8 added:

"Love to see the presidential address. 'Hello fellow citizens.'"


"LeVar Burton." — @Donkey25000


"Terry Crews." — @KnottShore

@ObelixSmiterOfRomans added:

"Long live President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho".


"Paul Rudd." — @amilares


"Samual L. MotherF**king Jackson." — Flashy-Ad-8327


"Jeff Goldblum." - @DollarStoreCrush

@Taramonia added:

"Democracy, uh, finds a way."


"Nick Offerman." — @eric_ts

@TheDadThatGrills added:

"A president that is as deeply passionate about both conservation and the arts would be a dream."



"Danny Trejo. Sponsored by Trejo Tacos." — @Zachattack_horror

@JDCU added:

"That's PRESIDENT Machete, please."


"Triumph the Insult Dog." — @haltline

@joetebbie added:

“One nation under God… for me to poop on!”

SNL's "2020 Part 2: 2024"

“Saturday Night Live” had some fun with the lukewarm feelings some Democrats have about President Biden over the weekend with a trailer for the mock horror film “2020 Part 2: 2024.”

The bit was funny because it mirrors the sentiments many had about Biden running in 2020. Hence, the trailer was a sequel to the fake film, “2020.”

In the sketch, a group of friends comes to terms with the fact that Joe Biden may be running for reelection at the age of 81. “I mean, I love the guy but he did his part,” “SNL” breakout star Bowen Yang says.

They try to rationalize a second term by pointing out Biden’s numerous achievements but cringe when they consider he recently crashed his bicycle. However uncomfortable Biden’s age makes them, they also have to consider a candidate who may be on the ballot if Biden decides against running again. This is where the true horror begins.

The friends ponder what could happen if the Democrats ran Beto O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker or Pete Buttigieg, striking fear in all of their hearts.

Finally, the group considers the most horrifying and also best-qualified choice of all. “I have the perfect candidate. A superstar who can go all the way—Hillary,” Mikey Day says as he turns into the villain from “Smile.”

While the idea of a repeat of 2020 has some Democrats on edge, a recent poll found that the majority of Americans don’t want to see it happen either. In a prospective presidential race, 64% of voters don’t want to see Joe Biden on the ballot and 68% don’t want to see Trump.

In a hypothetical head-to-head race in 2024, Biden has a 4% lead over Trump.