13-year-old's bucket list is the perfect blueprint for an adventurous life
If you ever wanted to own a cool jeep or discover a fossil when you were a kid, this is your reminder that it's not too late.

A bucket list is usually something people start thinking about toward the end of their lives, or sometimes in the crisis-filled middle. You become more aware of your mortality and more determined than ever not to waste your remaining days. Most commonly, you see people wanting to travel more and see the world, experience adrenaline-filled adventures like skydiving or deep sea scuba diving, or capture major human milestones like falling in love or becoming a parent.
Just imagine if we started on those lists earlier, how much we could accomplish! One dad recently discovered that his 13-year-old son had been keeping a bucket list. He couldn't resist posting it online and now the wacky, hilarious list is going viral.
Highlights include:
- Discover a new species
- Save a species
- Prove the existence of goblins
- And purchase a full taxidermy alligator
Safe to say that if this kid really pulls all of this off, he'll grow up to be the Most Interesting Man in the World: An eclectic and well-traveled cool dude who loves animals (except for the octopi, sorry guys), has major Hollywood connections, and rides around in an awesome jeep with his best friend, a binturong.
Here's the full list, currently sitting at 20 items.
My personal favorite is that the kid wants to know what it feels like to beat someone up! Very Fight Club of him. Hopefully if he ever gets the chance, it'll be a baddie who deserves it.
Online users found the list endlessly entertaining, and kindly shared some tips for how the kid could actually make his dreams come true.
For example, according to one kind citizen, apparently there's a spot where you can pay to dig up fish fossils in Wyoming. That's number 15 done and dusted!
He could definitely befriend a binturong (a fascinating mammal that looks like a cross between a bear and a cat) with a journey to Southeast Asia. So there's number 6.
Taxidermy alligator? Amazon, two-day shipping. Number 1 done.
Anyone with a computer or phone can start a YouTube channel, and practically every major city in the world has a Japanese restaurant where you can order octopus.
Dad said his son wants to change his name to "Trevor Bartholomew Dunglepants." He may want to sit on that one for a few years before making a rash decision, but when he's ready, all it takes is a little paperwork.
The entire list is completely doable with the possible exceptions of "become a billionaire" or "meet an alien." Users encouraged dad to help his son achieve as many of his bucket list items as possible.
"Don't let his dreams be memes," one person wrote.
"May his life be as adventurous as his bucket list!!!" wrote another.
It's kind of inspiring that as random, chaotic, and bizarre as many of these bucket list items are, they are totally achievable for the most part.
Kind of makes you wonder... are you dreaming big enough?
One user summed it up perfectly. "As someone who no longer thinks they could write one of these because I've stripped away so much aspiration and replaced it all with 'let's be realistic,' foster this. Do not let him lose that source of light that's so uniquely his- shaped like him in a cool jeep full of fossils, driving to beat up a goblin."
I think an interesting question to ask yourself from time to time is: Would your younger self be proud of you?
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
All of us at one point or another wanted to be professional athletes, firefighters, brain surgeons, or astronauts. We wanted to live in a house made of gold or candy and have a pet unicorn. In most cases, it probably didn't work out that way. But that's OK, that's life! Our dreams as a child aren't always possible, or even a good reflection of what we really want as fully formed humans.
But sometimes we're onto something when we're younger. We are the purest versions of ourselves and mostly uncorrupted by the things that weigh us down as grown ups. Try to remember that when you're making your own bucket list. Yeah, eating fresh pasta in Italy is cool, but have you ever ridden on the back of a whale? Surfed on lava flowing out of an active volcano? Written, directed, and starred in your own movie about your life?
You might be surprised to find out what's actually not nearly as impossible as you might think!
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