They were asked 1 question, and it stopped their fun. It's adorable and a great lesson.
Education can start super early.
Kids are awesome, and they look to us for guidance, rules, and leadership.
Their brains are always developing, taking in information, and forming opinions about everything so they can grow up and become awesome adults.
What we teach kids today is what they'll use to lead us someday.
I don't know about you, but when I pass on the leadership torch to future generations, I want super-smart, innovative, educated kids steering our ship. Because, selfishly, I want to live it up as an old man and worry about nothing in my retirement.
Filmmakers at SoulPancake have the same idea and talked to a gaggle of tiny tykes and asked four questions. Three of the questions made the kids super happy, like these two: "Do you like school?" and "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
A paleontologist
A pilot
SoulPancake also asked the kids what they liked about preschool.
"Learning music."
"Making projects!"
Last, they asked, "Did you know half the kids in America don't get to go to preschool?" That's when their mood changed, and they became adorably shocked and unhappy.
Preschool sets the stage for a better future for all of us.
Attending preschool is correlated with kids who graduate high school; graduates have a higher success rate in finding jobs, becoming innovators, and contributing to our tax base so that we can grow to be a stronger society. So, when you hear people dis the idea of preschool, remind them that you and I want to retire with ease. We want future generations to take care of us and maybe even get us out of some of the messes we've put on ourselves.