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jill biden

via CSPAN / Twitter

Joe Biden arrived in the UK on Wednesday, marking his first overseas trip as president. One of the main goals of his trip is to let European leaders know that America is back after Donald Trump mocked our closest allies and promoted an "America First" agenda during his presidency.

The White House says this trip will focus on America's commitment to rallying world democracies and defending shared values.

He'll participate in the G7 and NATO summits and meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin during his trip.

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden backed up the president's message of unity on Thursday by wearing a black jacket with the word "LOVE" emblazoned on the back when the couple met with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife, Carrie.

When asked about the meaning of the jacket, Dr. Biden didn't mince words.

"I think that we're bringing love from America," she told reporters. "This is a global conference, and we're trying to bring unity across the globe. And I think that's important right now that people feel a sense of unity for all the countries and feel a sense of hope after this year of the pandemic."

If the jacket looks familiar, it's the same one she wore two years ago to kick off her husband's presidential campaign.

This isn't the first time Dr. Biden has sent a direct message through her clothing. Last year, during a campaign trip to Iowa she wore black skinny jeans with the word "VOTE" written on each calf.

It's hard not to juxtapose Dr. Jill Biden's message of "LOVE" with a notorious jacket worn by former First Lady Melania Trump in 2018 that read: "I really don't care, do u?"

Trump wore the jacket while visiting children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. The message appeared to be incredibly callous given the Trump administration's cruel treatment of migrant children.

A spokesperson for the former First Lady said that she hadn't intended to send a secret message through her jacket. Her husband later tweeted that the message was directed at the press.

President Biden shared his message of unity during a speech at the Royal Air Force Mildenhall on Wednesday.

"We're going to make it clear that the United States is back and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and the issues that matter most to our future," the president said. "Our alliances weren't built by coercion or maintained by threats. They're grounded in democratic ideals, a shared vision of the future, where every voice matters."

Before his speech, Dr. Biden made some remarks about supporting the U.S. military and their families. She got a big laugh from the crowd when she demanded her distracted husband "pay attention" to her speech.

Even as millions of Americans celebrated the inauguration of President Joe Biden this week, the nation also mourned the fact that, for the first time in modern history, the United States did not have a peaceful transition of power.

With the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, when pro-Trump insurrectionists attempted to stop the constitutional process of counting electoral votes and where terrorists threatened to kill lawmakers and the vice president for not keeping Trump in power, our long and proud tradition was broken. And although presidential power was ultimately transferred without incident on January 20, the presence of 20,000 National Guard troops around the Capitol reminded us of the threat that still lingers.

First Lady Jill Biden showed up today with cookies in hand for a group of National Guard troops at the Capitol to thank them for keeping her family safe. The homemade chocolate chip cookies were a small token of appreciation, but one that came from the heart of a mother whose son had served as well.

"I just wanted to come today to say thank you to all of you for keeping me and my family safe. I know that you've left your home states," she said. "The Bidens are a National Guard family. Our son Beau was Delaware Army National Guard. He served for a year in Iraq in 2008–2009. So, I'm a National Guard mom and when I saw … all that you've done and you left your home states and you've come here to protect us … I just wanted to say thanks from President Biden and my entire family."

Dr. Biden explained that she didn't make the cookies herself—the White House made them—but she wanted to deliver them personally.

"I wanted to give everybody a cookie just as a small thank you for your service and your families' service and all that you've done for our nation … I truly appreciate all that you do. The National Guard will always hold a special place in the hearts of all the Bidens. So thank you. Thank you very much."

The National Guard troops who have been protecting the U.S. Capitol received some help from members of Congress and the media last night when a news report shared that some of them had been ordered to vacate the building to take rest breaks in a nearby parking garage. It was unclear who gave the order or why, but it caused bipartisan outrage and multiple angry tweets from CNN's Jake Tapper who called it "just hideous" and "completely unacceptable" before tagging every federal government leader saying "WTF – Fix this ASAP."

Many members of Congress also expressed outrage on Twitter, but Tammy Duckworth, who served in the armed forces herself, got on the horn to figure out what had happened and fix it. "I am demanding answers ASAP. They can use my office," she wrote.

After she was informed that the Capitol Police had apologized to the troops and that they were being allowed back in the complex, she kept checking to make sure that it happened.

An hour and a half later, she tweeted, "Troops are all out of the garage. Now I can go to bed."

When our National Guard troops are sleeping on hard, marble floors already to protect our lawmakers from our own citizens, the last thing we should do is make things any more uncomfortable for them. They're taking good care of our government representatives, so we should make sure they're being taken care of as well.

In the midst of all the exit polling and ballot counting during the Super Tuesday primary race, an unlikely set of heroes (or sheroes, if you will) has emerged.

As Joe Biden delivered his victory speech at a rally in Los Angeles, two vegan protesters stormed the stage, one right after the other. Holding signs and shouting "Let dairy die!" they got frighteningly close to the former vice president, who at this point in the race does not have a Secret Service detail.

Security immediately took the first protester away. But as the second one jumped up on stage, Biden's wife Jill, who was standing by his side, leapt into action. Before anyone even knew what was happening, she'd physically blocked the second protester from her husband.

Photojournalist Patrick Fallon managed to capture her badass bodyguard move:

As if that wasn't impressive enough, as the photo was being taken, Symone Sanders, senior advisor to Joe Biden, sprung up out of nowhere to tackle the protester and drag her off stage. In the video, she looks like a lineman just after the ball was snapped—no hesitation, no fear, just pure, instinctual "NOPE, NOT TONIGHT, LADY," as she hurdled up to the stage.

No matter who your preferred candidate or what your political affiliation is, you've got to hand it to these women for their immediate fearlessness. They didn't know if those protesters was armed. They didn't know if they themselves would be harmed, and it didn't even appear to cross their minds. They didn't wait for security (which was where, by the way?) to act. They saw danger and pounced. This is what heroes do.

And neither has made a big deal out of it. Dr. Biden hasn't mentioned the incident on social media at all. And Sanders simply shared what might be the most perfect tweet for a civilian woman springing up to do the job of a Secret Service agent. So understated. So fierce.

If we're going to continue the trend of choosing old white dudes as presidential candidate, we should at least make sure they're surrounded by strong, courageous women. Well done, ladies.

Watch the whole scene here, including Dr. Biden going back to clapping for her husband like nothing even happened: