15 things most women don't realize that men find attractive
Men aren't just staring at your body.

Three women that men find very attractive.
There is so much more to a woman being considered attractive by a man than having a specific waist-to-hip ratio or a perfectly symmetrical face. Sure, it’s a lot easier to be considered beautiful when you’ve won the genetic lottery, but men are paying attention to a lot more than a woman’s measurements.
Guys can get a bad rap for being shallow, but the average dude isn’t only attractive to women who look like they've been Photoshopped. According to a viral AskReddit post, he’s looking for a woman with a natural look and a down-to-earth personality.
A Redditor asked men on the Reddit AskMen forum to share the following: “Minor things are very attractive to women, but they never seem to realize it?” Most of the men who commented noted that they like a confident but casual woman who likes to dress comfortably and has a natural look.
The opinions the guys shared were affirming to many of the women who responded. They were happy to learn that many men find women comfortable in their bodies to be the most attractive. In a world where beauty standards shoved down our throats by the media are unrealistic, it’s great to hear men be honest about what they like in a real woman.
It’s also important to note that the Redditor asked men to share what they found attractive, so unfortunately, we don’t have the female take on the question, which would be fascinating as well.
Here are 15 of the best responses to the question, “What minor things are very attractive on women, but they never seem to realize it?”
1. Passionate about hobbies
"Being extremely passionate about her hobbies."
"Seeing someone speak about their passion in life is probably my favorite thing in anyone. It’s when they’re at their happiest, most excited self? That enthusiasm and charm they give off during those times, nothing else can really replace that."
2. Messy hair
"It's casual and intimate. It's not that being done up is unattractive or anything. Messy hair tends to be associated with bed head. This is an intimate thing given how women tend to be very put together. Seeing the woman for herself is a deeply beautiful thing. While I have thought the women I've been with were beautiful when they were all done up for special events and even in casual clothes, I was always most attracted to them when we first woke up next to each other. Our breaths smelled like shit and we had sleep in our eyes, but it never mattered to me even for a second."
"There's enough order in the world, and it can be a bit... stifling at times. It's nice to see such a minor thing (in the grand scheme of things) go a bit chaotic. It shows that she can be herself, and that she can be free."
3. Glasses
"I love a blind a** girl that needs glasses."
"Eyes are everything and glasses blow up the eyes."
4. Mental maturity
"Consistency in exhibiting a pleasant demeanor and emotional maturity/intelligence is very much attractive!"
"And not just mental maturity, but emotional maturity as well."
5. Good hygiene
"Hygiene. My wife uses this body spray after she gets out the shower and every time I smell it it’s like the first time. Nails manicured not overly long but she’s leaning into a more pointed tip because you know…I like it."
6. Freckles
"Seeing a lady without makeup for the first time and finding out she has freckles is divine."
7. A belly
"I like it when girl has a belly. It seems to be one of the biggest insecurities out there. It saddens me. I go crazy when people are confident in their bodies."
8. Focus
"Personally, I like a focused woman, I don't mean the serious woman, but I mean when she is trying to get a job done, like solving a math, trying a open a tin with a really tight lid, she is focused on 'how do I get 5his done?' that's what I mean."
9. Natural look
"Not having cosmetic surgery. Serious girl, your lips are perfectly kissable without any lip filler."
10. Being a mother
"Having my child. My wife skyrocketed in attractiveness as soon as I first saw her holding our baby. And she was already pretty damn attractive. Losing the baby weight paled in comparison to this."
"At a certain point, the shared experiences and the stock you put into each other should outweigh the importance of whatever drew you together in the first place. The women stressing out about looking older never seem to realize this."
11. Kindness
"Gratuitous kindness. It’s one of those inner beauty sort of things. Actually, come to think of it, not being rude is an even smaller thing that does the same thing but in a more subtle fashion."
12. At ease around men
"Being at ease in the company of men. It is so obvious when a woman was raised with brothers and their brothers' friends."
13. Not being obsessed with online attention
"Finding a woman who doesn't post a lot on social media is like finding a new BBQ joint that is amazing and nobody knows about it."
14. Baseball hat
"Baseball cap with the ponytail pulled out the back. Men’s dress shirt and pajama bottoms in the morning. A tiny wisp of hair comes out near the ear that seems a little bit messy but just fits perfectly on your face. And lastly, the small gap between the end of your skirt and the top of your boots. That’s small amount of skin that doesn’t really, have a traditional sexy value just look so damn good on you."
15. Braided hair
"When my wife does her hair up in French braids, I melt."
"I don't know how to academically explain it but you look like fancy princesses and I want to marry into wealth and royalty."