People are sharing the 'one question' they'd ask God if they could and the responses are deep
Here are 17 of the best burning questions people have.

A hand reaches toward the infinite light of God.
If there is a God and it's the one from the Abrahamic religions then He is the all-knowing Creator of the universe who made us in His image. So, he obviously knows that humanity has a lot of questions for Him that weren’t adequately answered in any of his holy books or haven’t been sufficiently addressed by the folks who claim to speak on his behalf on Earth.
(Note: I am referring to God as a "He" because of how He's represented in the literature. However, I'd assume that God would be more of a they because beings that exist beyond space and time haven't much need for a gender.)
Personally, if I made it to heaven and was given an audience with Mr. Almighty, then there's a whole host of questions that I'd need to have answered. Here are my top 5:
- What was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase in “Pulp Fiction”?
- Can I have my dog Murray back now?
- Where’s John Lennon and is there a bar in this place where we can have a few beers?
- Who made you?
- If you’ve been healing people all this time, why is it always something internal that we can’t see? You’ve allegedly healed all types of internal diseases but not once has an amputee had a limb grow back. Please explain.
A Reddit user by the name of GeometryThing recently asked the AskReddit subforum “You can ask God any one question, what do you ask him?” and the answers ranged from the philosophical to the heart-wrenching to the hilarious. One of the big questions was why is there so much suffering on Earth if he loves us? While others wondered what He thought about some of his most ardent believers with questionable ethics.
Here are 17 of the best questions that people would ask God if they could.
“Damn bro what did i do?” — vltraviolet_
"Why?" — Katie_Emm
"How is my mom?" — Noodlepotdreams
"What the fuck is up with the kids getting cancer?" — GrinAndBeerIt
"I wanna know who committed all the big unsolved murders. Madeleine McCann, Jon Bennet Ramsay, TuPac & Biggie, Black Dahlia, JFK etc." — StarsByMoonlight
"How is it possible that you know all things that will ever happen AND I have free will? So if I kill a man that means that you already knew it would happen. At that point why would I ask for forgiveness? You already knew what would happen since I can't change your will and doesn't that kinda cancel out free will also?" — Fancy_Carr
"You say you have a purpose for everyone, but if a baby dies immediately after it was born, what was its purpose? How about all those homeless people that die on the streets unnoticed? I'm actually curious what his answer would be." — KeepRunningFromMom
"What will the next Powerball numbers be?" — Temmere
"Why do you need to be worshipped? You claim to be the most powerful, omniscient yet caring and loving being that created this entire universe. But despite all that you still need worship? Are you just narcissistic or does your power depend on how we, nothing but mere dust in your eyes, worship you?" — ppjysn
"When was the exact date that he noped out and said fuck the whole planet?" — BluMagik_LoD
"Can you just come over and straighten some people out? Some of your creations are wack." — ThinkingAboutStuf
"Now that I know for sure there is a god, I would ask which religion is CLOSEST to being right, because otherwise, he might say none are perfect." — Mister_E_The_Third
"Who is your daddy and what does he do?" — saiyaniam
"Got any pro tips and tricks for living as a human?” — Vampire_Sloth
"How do magnets work?" — CatSk8Scratch
"Why don't you tell your nastiest followers that they're doing it wrong?" — BubbhaJebus
"Why did you put the testicles on the outside???" — Additional-Winner-45
This article originally appeared three years ago.
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