

A powder-saurus caught in the wild.

A father-daughter snowboarding session takes the cuteness up a notch, thanks to dad’s brilliant idea to attach a mic to his 4-year-old. Sweetness ensued.

Sporting an adorable dinosaur onesie, the “powder-saurus” glides through their “secret path,” warning dad of intruders. Cause clearly, it’s THEIR secret path.

As she does, she sings her song of resilience and courage.

“I won’t fall … maybe I will … that’s okay … cause we all fall.”

Truly powerful wisdom in such a tiny package.

One person astutely wrote in the comments, “this is the mantra we all need in 2022.” I mean … it's accurate.

Another added, “this child gave a TED Talk about the power of positive self-talk.”

Indeed, “Shredder Dad” shares footage of our loveable snowboarding dinosaur making a few face plants, but she quickly bounces back. Nothing can stop her from her “weewhoos.” Nothing.

That is, until she becomes a “stuck-asaurus.” A truly relatable moment for all ages. Aren’t "indiscernible verbal struggles" part of the soundtrack of life? Still, she takes it all in hilarious stride, laughing all the way, and the positivity is heartwarming.

This video quickly put a smile on more than 6 million faces, and even got a comment from Walmart, which agreed that “we all fall sometimes.”

Turns out that there’s even more wholesome adventure content on the family’s TikTok. They even have a very thorough guide for teaching a toddler to snowboard here.

And by the way, yes, that dinosaur outfit does come in an adult size.

Next time you’re feeling down, just think of the powder-saurus song, and you’ll be back to “weewhoo” in no time.

This article originally appeared on 02.11.22

Baby Cora bears a striking resemblance to actor Woody Harrelson.

We can all get a little fascinated by doppelgängers and it's fun to find people who look alike. But what do you do when your baby girl looks uncannily like a famous middle-aged man?

Mom Dani Grier Mulvenna shared a photo of her infant daughter Cora side by side with a photo of Woody Harrelson on Twitter, with the caption "Ok but how does our daughter look like Woody Harrelson." The resemblance truly is remarkable, and the tweet quickly racked up hundreds of thousands of likes, shares and replies.

Naturally, the jokes about Harrelson being the baby's secret father came next, but then Harrelson himself got wind of it.

The actor shared a screenshot of Mulvenna's tweet on his Instagram page and included a delightful little poem he called "Ode to Cora."

You're an adorable child
Flattered to be compared
You have a wonderful smile
I just wish I had your hair

How adorable and wholesome is that? Not only did he acknowledge his look-alike, but he even made a self-deprecating joke about his receding hairline.

People gushed in the comments and Mulvenna shared how tickled her daughter will be someday by the connection.

"You've made our day ❤️ can't wait to show her this when she's older, you have another fan for life xxx," she wrote.

Mulvenna also shared on Twitter that her daughter doesn't always look like Woody Harrelson, but when she does, she really does.

What a cutie. What's hilarious is that sweet little Cora has no clue about any of this excitement and she won't for many more years. What a fun story her parents will be able to share with her.

Social media has created a world where people can connect in ways they never would have before. When these platforms are so often used for negative means, it's lovely to see something so sweet and pure come out of them.

This article originally appeared on 08.05.22


Adults surprising their grandparents with sleepovers is the most wholesome trend of 2024

Watching the grandparents go from confused to elated is just so sweet.

@nurseb662/TikTok, @.gabrrieellaa/TikTok

Who says sleepovers have to stop when you're an adult?

As far as childhood memories go, nothing hits quite like those sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. A night full of comfies and yummies all while snuggled up and watching a movie…such a special time for bonding.

Well, in a fabulously wholesome new viral trend, pajama-clad adults are bringing the sweet tradition back into the present, much to their grandparents' surprise—and delight.

Take a scroll stroll though #grandparentssleepover on TikTok, and you’ll find countless videos featuring unsuspecting grandparents at first confused by an impromptu grandkid visit, then utterly thrilled that they get to relive a nostalgic memory.

Take Brandi Fair and her grandma Pam, for instance. In a video posted to Brandi’s TikTok, which currently has 5.6 million views, we see Pam sitting on the couch, minding her own business, when all of a sudden Brandi and the rest of Pam’s grandchildren burst through the door with pillows, sleeping bags and fun games.

“Surprised their Nana with a sleepover. They have done this since they were little,” Brandi’s caption reads.

@nurseb662 Surprised their Nana with a sleep over. They havent done this since they were little 😩❤️#grandparents #christmas2023🎄🎁 ♬ These Memories - Hollow Coves

She shared with TODAY.com that the night consisted of Bingo and looking through old photos, followed by a biscuit and gravy breakfast the next morning. Adding one last bit of novelty to the event, the grandkids also apparently snagged Pam’s deck of playing cards and hid them throughout the house for her to find later.

"She said, 'I will never forget this,’” Brandi told TODAY.com. Sleeping over at “Grandmother Pam and Paw-Paw Larry's” had been routine for the kids, and since Larry had passed away, Pam had been lonely.

Meanwhile, watch this Italian grandma become over the moon as she is bombarded by her giggling grandkids blaring festive music.

@juliagalluccio3 she was so confused at first😭😭 #cousins #adultsleepover #christmas #surprise ♬ original sound - julia galluccio

“Just like the good ol’ days!” the presumed granddad can be heard saying.

It can be difficult to carve out time in our busy adult lives to spend with our grandparents—not to mention we might not even live in the same area or might have never had a close relationship to begin with. But if and when we can find the time, the rewards are endless for both parties, especially when it comes to emotional well-being and mental health.

Grandparents offer us a wealth of knowledge and family history, and can provide valuable conversation that we simply couldn’t fully appreciate as kids. Likewise, keeping in touch regularly can help them ward off depression and boost brain function.

Luckily, there are other ways besides sleepovers to cultivate those close relationships, like cooking together, taking walks, sharing family stories, asking questions or participating in a class, just to name a few.

And if distance is an issue, regular Zooms, FaceTimes, phone calls, emails, letters, etc., do a world of good for strengthening bonds.

But of course, if you can head on over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house in a onesie with some microwaveable popcorn, then obviously do that. It’s the most fun option, clearly.


10 things that made us smile this week

Upworthy's weekly roundup of joy


Take a scroll through our smile-worthy finds.

What brings you joy? The kindness of strangers? The silliness of your pets? The breathtaking beauty of nature? Spending time with the people you love?

There are so many places to find joy in life, from watching someone nail their talents to listening to a conversation between preschoolers to belly laughing at a joke from someone you didn't expect to be so funny.

We've covered all of those bases and more in this week's list of 10 things that made us smile. So if you could use a little uplift, take a scroll through our roundup of delights.

1. Single mom shares her neighbor's sweet 'wellness check' captured on her doorbell camera


The world needs more Greg’s. Hes always checkin on us 🥹♥️ #fyp #goodneighbors

What a sweetheart. The world does need more Gregs! Read the full story here.

2. Man gets everyone feeling their feelings when he talks about his wife, Paige

Find someone who makes you feel "infinite" and who tears up just talking about how much they love you.

3. Malala Yousafzai cracks an epic Barbie joke and her husband responds in the best way

Malala jumping on the Barbie meme train and Asser hoisting himself right into the boxcar with her is everything. And now "I am Kenough" has become a meme of its own. Epic.

4. Cats not realizing their tails are part of their bodies is hilarious every single time

The best part is that this kitten will never learn. In 10 years, it will still be caught off guard by its own tail moving, and it will be equally funny then.

5. Gabriel Henrique hits Whitney Houston's high notes on AGT and holy moly

It's impressive enough when a woman nails those notes. Like, how? Absolutely incredible. Read the full story here.

6. Baby eating a tart kiwi and coming back for more is endlessly entertaining

Those faces! We feel you, little one. So painful, but so good.

7. Conversation captured between preschoolers is a masterclass in friendship-making

Can we just have all preschoolers mic'd at all times? This is how all of us should make friends—sharing our daily nap habits, giving and receiving compliments, telling one another to watch out for dog poop. It's perfection.

8. Bride has 15 men walk her down the aisle for the most moving reason

Under the most tragic of circumstances, she got the support she needed to overcome. What a beautiful way to acknowledge the men who continually stepped up for her. Read the full story here.

9. Dad accidentally mistakes 'babies' for 'rabies' and it results in the best misunderstanding ever


Maybe we will do better when she asks where babies come from.

Watching them figure out what happened is a heck of a hilarious journey. Moms do go through a lot in labor, but foaming at the mouth? HAHAHA. Read the full story here.

10. May we all take inspiration from this wee one learning to use a spoon

Be patient. Keep trying. Never give up. A valuable lesson for us all. Read the full story here.

Hope that brought some joy to your day! (And f you'd like to get these posts in your inbox so you never miss them, sign up for our free newsletter, The Upworthiest, here.)