A senator nails the 19 mansplanations we're ALL tired of hearing.
'It's not that women don't value your thoughts, it's just that we don't value ALL of them.'
No doubt inspired by this super-shouty election year, Sen. Claire McCaskill has made her own declaration of independence.
This one might unite us all. * fingers crossed *
Independence from what?
The Missouri Democrat wants independence from mansplaining.
A definition:
SPLAIN v. (to splain) — the general act of being explained something by someone like it's universally true. Often used with a prefix. Examples: mansplain, whitesplain, tap-dancersplain. —splained, —splaining.n. forms: —splainer, —splanation(s).
Getting splained is frustrating. But it happens.
Thankfully McCaskill and the crew at "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" were able to come up with a hilarious way to offer those who are shouting over everyone else a chance to generously step back so others can have their voices heard.
In the video (which, before you get offended, was comedy), McCaskill says it's important for her to encourage more women to run for office, "but equally important is encouraging more men to just shut the hell up."
And like all great declarations, it gets specific. Here are some of the subjects McCaskill declared that louder folks can take a step back on.
1. What women do with their bodies
2. Who the next James Bond should be
3. Whether or not it's pronounced "GIF" or "JIF"
Come on, no matter who you are, you gotta be tired of hearing people argue about this stuff. :)
And also all these:
4. Star Wars
5. Pantsuits
6. Selfies
7. Shonda Rhimes
There's a "Grey's Anatomy" episode for us all!
8. Curtains
9. Carbs
10. Millennials
11. Body hair removal
Why. Just why. How. Why.
12. Religion
Founding Fathers agree.
13. Gluten
14. Harry Potter
15. Nut allergies
16. Star Wars, again
Yes it gets on the list twice. Shh!
17. All art in general
You think that's more art and that's more not-art? No talkie, plz.
18. Whether or not to brine the Thanksgiving turkey
19. Ethics in gaming journalism
Hoo boy.
She does, however, mention that the consolation prize for sitting down at the table of speak-up equality is this:
Getting to weigh in on marijuana legalization (if you can control yourselves and keep from giving your opinion about the other things).
Teehee. How about that? An elected official with a sense of humor!
All GIFs via "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."
And just in case you were worried McCaskill is all style and no substance, let me refresh your memory. When former Rep. Todd Akin (R-Missouri) decided women's wombs were rape-repellent, she said this:
I'd say she's earned her stripes to have a laugh, huh?
And good for her for just basically calling for a little less talking and a little more listening. We all could use that!
A shoutout also to Stephen Colbert for bringing this gem into our lives and for helping us all keep our sense of humor even when it seems like everyone's in a fight. <3
Here's hoping that everyone hears this so we can spend less time talking over each other and more time listening, empathizing, and being our own awesome, individual selves.
Here's the video!