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keanu reeves

Pop Culture

Keanu Reeves gets emotional while sharing how much 'The Matrix' means to him

Reeves shared his favorite memories of each of his biggest films. When he got to 'The Matrix,' there was a noticeable change.

Raph_PH/Wikipedia, Photo by Shannon Kunkle on Unsplash

“’The Matrix’ changed my life."

Keanu Reeves might have broken into the industry through “Bill and Ted,” and was an established '90s action actor thanks to films like “Speed” and “Point Break.” But his iconic role as Neo in “The Matrix” truly catapulted him into stardom.

For many, “The Matrix” was both a thrilling cinematic escape and a powerful spiritual experience—exploring what it means to be human in the digital age, all while kicking ass in cool leather trench coats. And Reeves was the hero that took us on that journey.

Of course, he would go on to be the center of another legendary franchise with “John Wick” and would become a legend off-camera as a genuinely compassionate and generous person. But to think—we might have not had any of it had Reeves never taken that red pill.

It turns out that not even Reeves himself takes that moment in his life for granted.

During a recent interview with Stephen Colbert on “The Late Show,” the host mentioned several of Reeves’ movies that were celebrating an anniversary this year — “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” 35; “Point Break,” 33; “Speed,” 30; “The Matrix,” 25; and “John Wick,” 10.

Colbert then asked Reeves to name a fond memory from each of these iconic movies in a lightning-round style. Reeves was able to get out simple answers like “friendship” for “Bill and Ted” and “the genius of Catherine Bigelow” for “Point Break,” but when he got to “The Matrix,” there was a palpable, emotional pause.

After about twenty seconds, Reeves replied, “’The Matrix’ changed my life. And then, over these years, it’s changed so many other people’s lives in really positive and great ways.”

Gathering himself, he concluded, “As an artist, you hope for that when you get to do a film or tell a story…it’s the best.”

It was so well said that Colbert didn’t bother trying to get a memory for “John Wick” but instead shook his hand and ended the segment.


"The Matrix" Changed My Life - Keanu Reeves Shares Fond Memories Of His Most Iconic Filmswww.youtube.com

Down in the comments, people were once again moved by Reeves’ heartfelt authenticity.

“Keanu's response to the Matrix question was so profound.”

“That really got me. So moving. As for the movie itself, to this day, The Matrix is still the most mind-blowing experience I've ever had in a theatre!”

“The answer, his face, his body language, how he changed his emotion so fast just gave me chills and I cried. He knows the truth.”

“What a real dude. There's a reason everyone loves him.”

“Do we all simply want to burst into tears when he emotionally recounts how The Matrix has touched people?”

“To this day, The Matrix remains my favorite movie of all time. Full stop. It's amazing to see him get so emotional when he talks about it.”

“He almost made me cry, that was a raw emotional sincere comment he made - just beautiful.”

“The Academy Awards will honor Keanu Reeves one day with a lifetime achievement award. No doubt. The Matrix is the best sci-fi movie ever made and Keanu was brilliant in the role. A beautiful human being. I always support his work. I wish him the best this world offers.”

By the way, if all this Matrix nostalgia has got you wishing you could see it on the big screen again, you’re in luck! AMC will be presenting a special anniversary screening of it in September.

This is the best video ever recorded.

Just when you thought there was nothing else to love about Keanu Reeves, you find wholesome reason #472.

Like many actors before they hit it big at the box office, as a performer Reeves had a few odd jobs filling out his resume. But this one might just be the oddest job of them all.

An unearthed video posted to Twitter by All The Right Movies shows a baby-faced Reeves doing a news report in 1984 for CBC, a Canadian television network.

Where was he reporting? Why, a teddy bear convention, of course.

Interviewees included convention-goers, toymakers and, of course, the bears themselves.

A consummate professional, Reeves asked the tough questions like “Why are all the bears’ first name Teddy?” and “What do your friends think about you collecting bears?” All while giving off major “Bill and Ted” vibes. It was pure delight.

The best part, though, comes at the end, when Reeves fake wrestles a teddy bear, and proceeds to get tackled to the ground.

Keep in mind, he hadn’t learned kung fu from "The Matrix" yet.

Was it cheesy? Oh yes. Bizarre? You betchya. But also delivered with a goofy, loveable charm that only Keanu can really pull off.

As one would assume, the short and sweet video clip got lots of love online.

“I will protect this man with my man,” one person wrote.

“Best thing public television ever funded,” added another.

Basically, Keanu Reeves is a treasure.

It’s not an easy feat to go from playing airheads to one of Hollywood’s leading action stars. It’s equally rare to reach stardom without losing at least some humility. But Reeves has pulled off both. His unbridled kindness and emotional resilience have made him not only a celebrity, but a role model.

Now, there’s another thing to endear him to us all. Reeves avenges puppies, time travels AND interviews teddy bears … is there anything this man can’t do?

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Keanu Reeves "John Wick" red carpet, Fantastic Fest 2014 Austin, Texas

A recent NFT (non-fungible token) boom has a lot of people scratching their heads over why someone would pay over a million dollars for a digital art file that can be easily replicated by right-clicking “Save as.” But NFT enthusiasts are willing to pay ridiculous amounts for the artwork because they have a certificate of digital ownership that cannot be replicated.

Much like a piece of physical artwork such as painting, you can create a replica of an NFT but there are a limited number of originals. This has ushered in a new era where digital assets can now possess the type of scarcity usually attributed to physical objects.

This new form of manufactured scarcity seems to many as another way for powerful people to claim ownership over things that are shared by the general public.

“Sure, you can enjoy this drawing of an ape,” the NFT owner proudly states. “But I own the ape! It says so on the blockchain.”

In a recent interview with The Verge about how the digital world is slowly encroaching upon real life, “Matrix Resurrections” stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss were asked by Alex Heath about the notion of digital scarcity. The question made Reeves lose composure and he let out a large cackle, exclaiming “They’re easily reproduced.”

Reeve’s outburst inspired Heath to push back, claiming “But it's not the same."

“The Matrix” star's outburst was cathartic to many people who think that NFTs are nothing but an elitist scam. The clip quickly went viral on social media, earning a lot of hilarious and thoughtful responses.