
cat distribution system


Cat decided a delivery driver was her new dad by clinging to his leg and refusing to let go

This is the Cat Distribution System at work, and it shall not be questioned.

A cat picks her new owner in the most unmistakable way.

If you've never heard of the Cat Distribution System, then you probably don't own a cat, or you do, but you acquired your cat in a standard way. You know, like at an animal shelter or from some nice lady on social media who had a box of kittens. Most people get cats that way, and it's one thousand percent a valid way to attain cat parent status.

But some lucky folks get cats through the Cat Distribution System (or CDS for short). Is this system real? Only cats really know for sure. They're also the ones that run the system, so the rules and the way in which you attain your purr machine may be a bit wonky. You may wake up with an unknown cat in your bed even though all of your windows are closed, or you just may be like this delivery driver.

The driver was out picking up orders when a cat came out of the CDS and jumped on the man's leg as he attempted to get back to his car. Thanks to his dash cam, you get to see CDS at work, and so did his mom. The video currently has over 2.8 million views on TikTok.

When the driver asked his mom if he could keep the cat, at first she said no. Then she saw the footage of the cat aggressively and desperately choosing her son to be its new cat dad—and that's how you get a cat through the CDS. Once the cat realized she made the right choice, she snuggled up on her dad's lap as he drove her home.

"We are not cat people," reads the text overlay. "My youngest son was out making deliveries last night. A cat kept following him. Then jumped on his leg and would not let go."

I have news for you, Mom: you're cat people now. It's how the Cat Distribution System works. They train their recruits to turn non-cat people into cat people, one unsuspecting human at a time. If you don't make it to the end of the video, yes, they kept the cat and her name is Venus. That's how the system is designed.

Watch the CDS at work below:


#catrescue #catrescueroftiktok I am not a #catperson but maybe now I will be after today. I #Love my #son has a #huge #compassionate #heart #momsoftiktok #rescate #gato

This article originally appeared two years ago.


Family's outdoor cat jumps into action to save their dog from a coyote attack

Binx jumped right in to protect her sister from two coyotes.

Family's cat saves her dog sister from wild coyotes.

People like to think cats are aloof and don't care about anyone but themselves, but that's not true. Well, the aloof part is true. They're also pretty fickle about if they want to be touched or not, giving unsuspecting cat parents a quick swat for daring to think they want to be petted. Even still, that doesn't mean they don't love their family members, human and furry.

A family in Oklahoma found out just how much their outdoor cat loved their dog, Oakley. When the little white pooch was outside to go potty, she didn't realize danger was just out of eyesight until it was too late. A group of coyotes began attacking the little dog, who was in that part of the yard all alone, but Binx, the family cat, sprung into action without hesitation after hearing the commotion.

Binx is part of the cat distribution system, meaning the family didn't pick her out. The little black cat just showed up in their yard when she was about two months old, and it's a good thing she did.

When Binx heard her fur-sister being attacked, she ran full force and jumped right toward the faces of the attacking coyotes, sending them running. Oakley was injured pretty badly in the attack, but the owners had no idea what happened until they looked at the security video after the dog was treated at the vet.

"It was inspiring to see our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog that she loves and run them off," Lane Dyer told KFOR News.


Man's foster cat is obsessed with him and it's turned into an amusingly toxic living situation

The cat demands all of the attention no matter what the human is doing.

Obsessed foster cat creates amusingly toxic living situation

Do you remember that song, Somebody's Watching Me from the 80s? Well, this new foster dad is probably feeling just like the guy singing the song, except about a cat that has taken to stalking and harassing him around the house. Bill found himself a sudden cat dad when his friend became sick and unable to take care of her cat, Teddy.

While Teddy behaved like a normal cat in new surroundings, (hiding under the bed and making himself scarce), it didn't take long before he started getting comfortable around Bill. Knowing that he was likely missing his mom and needed attention, the new foster dad gave Teddy all the chin scratches and love he could. It was beautiful...until the cat decided the attention he was getting was insufficient.

Now, instead of a finicky roommate, Bill had a stalker. Teddy follows the human wherever he is in the house to demand attention in pretty rude ways.

"He became obsessed with me. I gave him tons of attention, I played with him all the time but it was just never enough. He always wanted more," Bill tells The Dodo. "Anytime I would turn my attention to something other than him, he would scratch at me until I turned my attention back."

There were not just sweet gentle pawings, Teddy essentially hit and slaps Bill, grabbing pieces of his clothing as he tries to walk by and biting at him. But there's something there between the two and it's looking a lot like a love story in the making. Maybe one that ends in a kitty restraining order but Teddy's playful attacks have Bill a bit smitten.

Watch their love story unfold below:

Man finds adorable best friend after never having a pet

Not everyone gets to grow up with pets so they don't get the first hand knowledge of how it feels to love an animal. Sure, they may have experience with friends' or family members' pets but that's not the same as caring for one under your own roof. The memories and mini serotonin boosts you get when pets snuggle up to you on a hard day are missed by those who never own a pet.

Up until recently, Caleb had been in the "never had a pet" camp, then one day he found a tiny little kitten. He knew when he saw how little and helpless she was that he just had to rescue the sweet baby.

"I was walking home and I looked down and there was this little kitten," Caleb told The Dodo. "I feel chosen, this is my first pet."

He named the itty bitty kitty, Nala Jaye and takes her everywhere he possibly can.

Caleb put Nala on a leash to take her out on walks but when he wants to keep her close, the new cat dad wears a little cat pouch. Just a sling of sorts to keep the kitten tucked away as he takes her with him to run errands. The pair do everything together, she even supervises him brushing his teeth. It's clear the duo are quickly becoming best friends, Caleb sings to her, they dance together and she hangs out on his shoulder like a parrot.

"This is a house cat. We will not be outside unless she's on my shoulder like this or strapped to a harness," Caleb says.

So glad to see a new pet parent blossom. Nala Jaye is one lucky rescue kitty.