

Nala the dog makes herself at home.

How many of us have woken up next to someone and thought, "Who is that, and how did they get here?" Recently, a woman named Julie Johnson had that "how did they get here?" moment, but it was a little different … there wasn't a strange person in her bed, it was a strange dog. (Some might argue this is a much better option.) Johnson and her husband Jimmy woke up spooning a dog that wasn't theirs, and they understandably had no idea where the comfy pooch had come from!

"It is absolutely normal to wake up in our house with one of OUR dogs in the bed with us," Johnson wrote in a Facebook post. "One small problem, THIS IS NOT OUR DOG, nor do we know how she got in our house." Again, there are worse problems to have, but waking up to a strange dog in your bed is definitely cause for concern.

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