
wall street

I'm not proud to admit this, but I know virtually nothing about the stock market. I mean, I know what it is and on a very, very basic level know how it works. Kinda. Maybe. I don't even know.

That's a problem when some huge news about the stock market comes along. While clearly a big deal, this news about GameStop stock skyrocketing because a bunch of Reddit users did something and a bunch of billionaire hedge funders got screwed over by it has been a little lost of me.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this. In fact, I know I'm not, based on the virality of this "normal person" explainer video shared on Twitter. Prior to two days ago, this is pretty much exactly how I would have explained what's going on:

There are a whole lot of us who don't understand the stock market and usually don't care that we don't understand it. Then a big, important David and Goliath story like this comes along, making it clear we should know more than we do.

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