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chris hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth and daughter.

In addition to being the star of Marvel franchise "Thor," actor Chris Hemsworth is also a father-of-three? And it turns out, he's pretty much the coolest dad ever.

In a clip from a 2015 interview on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," Hemsworth shared an interesting conversation he had with his 4-year-old daughter India.

"My daughter's kind of envious of my boys," Hemsworth told Ellen. "She came to me the other day, and she's like 'You know, Papa, I want one of those things that Sasha and Tristan have.' And I'm like, 'What do you mean?' She said, 'You know the things in between their legs that you have.'"

Hemsworth said he tried to explain the differences between male and female bodies, but his daughter wasn't having it.

"She goes, 'I really want one!' Hemsworth said. "I'm like, 'A penis?' And she's like, 'I want a penis!'

And then, Hemsworth had the best possible response. He recalls:

She's four and I'm like, 'You know what, you can be whatever you want to be.' And she goes, 'Thanks, Dad.' Runs off into the playground and that was it.

And then, I cannot confirm, but I'm pretty sure the Ellen audience did this:

Major kudos to Hemsworth for taking a potentially awkward parenting situation and turning it into a lesson about love and acceptance.

You can watch the full clip here:

This article originally appeared on 08.27.18

The celebrity tabloid news industry is basically a collection of our* guilty pleasures rolled into one massively problematic dumpster fire.

*The fact TMZ is bookmarked in my web browser means I am certainly part of the problem.

Photo via iStock.

Body-shaming, invading privacy, luring famous kids into photos using other children as bait — sometimes it feels like there is no lowest low when it comes to the paparazzi and our infatuation with famous folks.

Take actor Chris Hemsworth, for instance.

Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images.

He's currently filming his new flick, "Thor: Ragnarok," alongside co-star Tom Hiddleston in Brisbane, Australia.

And the two are drawing massive amounts of attention on the set.

But instead of all that star-studded excitement going to dumpster fire waste, one seemingly run-of-the-mill tabloid photo of Hemsworth is actually doing a whole lot of good for a worthy cause.

Livin, a small charity fighting the stigma surrounding mental illness, has been thrust into the spotlight thanks to the star.

The Australian group's name and logo appeared on a sweatshirt Hemsworth was sporting on the set after he learned about the nonprofit from a friend of the group's co-founders, BuzzFeed reported. The actor wanted to help get the word out about the charity.

And, wow, did he ever.

Since Hemsworth was spotted in his Livin gear, sales for the brand's apparel line have "spiked," according to the nonprofit.

"You can't really put it into words," cofounder Casey Lyons told Gold Coast Bulletin about the difference Hemsworth's support has made.

"Chris liked the look of it and said, 'That's a cool shirt,'" Lyons said. "When he heard the message behind it, he was more than happy to help support it."

Proceeds from apparel sales benefit Livin's mission of combating stigma and getting the word out that "it ain't weak to speak" — a motto crafted to encourage others to seek help.

Fighting the stigma is a cause near and dear to the cofounders' hearts because they lost a dear friend to suicide a few years back — a loss that inspired them to launch Livin in 2013.

Ending stigma surrounding mental illness is a key component in making progress on this issue.

While mental illness is relatively common — about 1 in 5 American adults live with some form of it, like depression or bipolar disorder, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — harmful negative stereotypes remain.

Those living with a mental illness aren't weak, dramatic, or more dangerous than anybody else; our society has unfairly labeled them as such.

That's why it matters for a guy like Hemsworth to throw his Thor-like weight behind the issue.

"It’s so great to see someone of [Hemsworth's] profile getting behind the charity," cofounder Sam Webb explained.

Now that's some celebrity news I can consume guilt-free.

You might recognize Chris Hemsworth as the secretary in the upcoming "Ghostbusters" reboot, as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Thor, or as the older brother of Miley Cyrus's sometimes beau, Liam.

But what you might not know is that the Australian god of thunder also has aspirations of culinary greatness and a 4-year-old daughter named India whom he dares not disappoint.

When his sweet little girl requested a chocolate T. rex cake to celebrate her birthday, the Mighty Hemsworth knew exactly what to do: order a cake from the cake store.

But life is not without its roadblocks, even for an in-demand leading man. We can’t say for sure if Hemsworth was hindered by the famously terrible L.A. traffic on the Rainbow Bridge to Asgard, or if he just waited too long to call the local bakery, but either way, the end result revealed the same shocking, awful truth: The cake store wouldn't have time to create the requested culinary dino-concoction in time for his daughter's birthday.

"What do you mean, you can't bake me a cake for my daughter's birthday? I'm $@ing THOR." — what the ever-friendly Chris Hemsworth definitely did not say. Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images.

So Hemsworth swung into action, like a huntsman in that movie where he plays the huntsman.

Lest he return to his home empty-handed, Hemsworth consulted with Odin's great wisdom and found a recipe for such a cake as his daughter did desire.

With the knowledge of the Norns in hand, he got the the necessary ingredients from a store, just like a normal person who is also a father and wishes to do right by his daughter would do.

Photo by Torsten Laursen/Getty Images.

It was not until he returned to his humble Los Angeles abode that he realized he had forgotten eggs!

(OK so this part didn't actually happen. But I'm taking some creative license just so I can share this funny picture of an exasperated Chris Hemsworth.)

Photo by Alberto Alcocer/Getty Images.

With the clock ticking down toward the anniversary of his daughter's day of birth, the heroic Hemsworth grabbed the mixing bowl and fervently whisked the ingredients together and poured the batter blend into a dinosaur-shaped dish...

Tens of minutes passed as he anxiously awaited for the sugary mixture to settle into its spongy form within the oven...

Watching a cake bake is really, really boring, so here's a lovely photo of Chris and his wife, Elsa Pataky.

Photo by Samir Hussein/Getty Images for StudioCanal.

With seconds to spare (I'm editorializing), the kitchen timer sounded out an ear-piercing ding, and Hemsworth retrieved his Tyrannosaurus creation from the oven's fiery bowels!

He named his fine dino-delicacy "La TRex al la chocolate," which is a lost Latin phrase that I assume means "Chris Hemsworth made a totally awesome dinosaur cake for his daughter 'cause he's the man."

The lesson here is clear. Next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, or afraid that you might disappoint the one you love, remember: It doesn't take a magical hammer or the power of the gods to bake a dinosaur cake.

Even a god of thunder can screw up and forget a simple task that he probably should planned for ahead of time. But as long as you remember that there's always room to improvise, even if it means you get your hands dirty in the name of love (and not to forget the eggs), you'll be just fine.