31 Days of Happiness Countdown: 100 hilariously bad Chewbacca impressions. (Day 24)
Hello and welcome to Day 15 of Upworthy's 31 Days of Happiness Countdown! Each day between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31, we're sharing stories we hope will bring joy, smiles, and laughter into our lives and yours. It's been a challenging year for a lot of us, so why not end it on a high note with a bit of happiness? Check back tomorrow for another installment!
If the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song went all the way to 100, the absolute perfect gift to end on would be: ♫ 100 random people doing their best Chewbacca impression(...and a partridge in a pear treeeeee...) ♫
What does 100 random people doing their best Chewbacca impression even look like? You're in luck! In honor of the release of "The Last Jedi," the folks over at Cut brilliantly gathered 100 strangers and had each person do their very best impersonation of everyone's favorite Wookiee battle cry.
It's a sound far easier to recognize than it is to imitate. Even more enjoyable than the puzzling cacophony of sounds the people in the video make are the ridiculous faces that go along with them.
Like this one:
[rebelmouse-image 19475746 dam="1" original_size="489x248" caption="GIFs via Cut/YouTube" expand=1]GIFs via Cut/YouTube
And this:
And whatever this is:
It's impossible to get through the video without laughing.
Watch the absolutely hilarious attempts below and share it with someone who needs a turbo-injection of joy this holiday season.
More days of happiness here: DAY 1 / DAY 2 / DAY 3 / DAY 4 / DAY 5/ DAY 6 / DAY 7 / DAY 8 / DAY 9 / DAY 10 / DAY 11 / DAY 12 / DAY 13 / DAY 14 / DAY 15 / DAY 16 / DAY 17/ DAY 18 / DAY 19 / DAY 20 / DAY 21 / DAY 22 / DAY 23 / [DAY 24] / DAY 25 / DAY 26 / DAY 27 / DAY 28 / DAY 29 / DAY 30 / DAY 31