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The future is fluid. That's the message behind this pop duo's latest LGBTQ campaign.

Tegan and Sara teamed up with Wildfang for an awesome new campaign.

Tegan and Sara Quin want to show you the future — and if we're being honest, it looks pretty cool.

Late last year, the indie pop duo launched the Tegan and Sara Foundation as a vehicle for social change and LGBTQ issues. To further their goals, the famous twins and their eponymous foundation recently teamed up with the good people over at feminist clothing connoisseurs Wildfang for a campaign called "The Future is Fluid."

The social media campaign — centering around the #TheFutureIsFluid hashtag — is accompanied by a special collection of hoodies, T-shirts, pins, and jackets by Wildfang, with all profits from those sales go to the Tegan and Sara Foundation.

[rebelmouse-image 19532409 dam="1" original_size="750x500" caption="Tegan and Sara model some of the "The Future is Fluid" gear. All photos courtesy of Wildfang." expand=1]Tegan and Sara model some of the "The Future is Fluid" gear. All photos courtesy of Wildfang.

The Quins narrate the campaign's launch video, explaining what a fluid future looks like to them. Gender identity, expression, and sexuality are not always so easy to place into a box. Rather than seeing that as a problem, the campaign suggests we should embrace the in-between and outside of these traditional boundaries.

The campaign video features people from a variety of genders and sexual orientations.

Hailee, a 19-year-old model and artist, identifies as gender neutral, occasionally gender fluid, participated in the launch video to help illustrate that identity can exist along a spectrum.


Ruby, a fourth grader, describes herself as a "proud feminist trans kid," and took part in the campaign to help push for a future where all people can be safe, supported, and accepted — even if they're not always understood.


A self-described queer fat femme powerlifting coach, Alex uses their gender to send "a fat middle finger at the status quo" and says they hope the future can be one "where everyone can experience joyful embodiment and boy liberation.


Earlier this year, Trystan, a trans man, made news when he gave birth to a baby boy named Leo. For him, that was all part of the adventure of creating what he calls a "mosaic" of "the best parts of gender."

Biff, Trystan's partner of seven years, has a unique view on acceptability and his own gender journey, saying that true acceptance must be based on authenticity. The two accept each other for who they are, their authentic selves.

Biff, Trystan, Hailey, Riley, and baby Leo.

Nicasia took part in the campaign because she wanted to be able to express herself in the most true-to-form way possible. That feeling — wanting to be seen, wanting to be safe, wanting to be loved and accepted for who we are — is remarkable in how utterly unremarkable it actually is. You don't have to be any specific gender or have any specific sexuality to want to believe in a world where we're all given the opportunity to be our authentic selves — you just need to be human. The future is fluid, and it belongs to all of us.


A lot of brands are increasingly looking toward diversity as an advertising strategy. With Wildfang, that's baked right into who they are as people and as an organization. The Tegan and Sara Foundation partnership is just the latest in a long line of socially-conscious campaigns from the Portland-based company.

Check out the awesome campaign launch video below.

Check out the video or Wildfang's website for more info about the campaign. For additional info on the Tegan and Sara Foundation and what they do, visit their website. Also, we were not paid to promote this; we just thought it was a really cool campaign.