
eric trump

The spawn of Donald Trump have certainly proven themselves to be the children of Donald Trump this week, with each of the Holy Trinity (Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric) doing something embarrassing and/or dangerous.

Ivanka Trump kicked off her presidential campaign by pretending to be a world leader, hopping into photo ops with heads of state and trying her damnedest to contribute to the conversation. The now-iconic Unwanted Ivanka meme was born.

Donald Trump Jr. shared a racist tweet about Senator Kamala Harris, jumping into birtherism's female reboot.

Eric Trump, who Saturday Night Live portrays as "the dumb one" in a family of dumb ones, tweeted an attempted burn at former President Barack Obama that ended up just being a massive self-own.

My dude tweeted-and-deleted a photo he claimed showed Obama at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea in 2008. If you recall what the world was like just eleven years ago, George W. Bush was the president, and Obama was a mere senator from Illinois.

The photo was taken in 2012, when Barack Obama, the guy with "Commander in Chief" written on his jacket, was indeed a the commander in chief.

Plus, maybe not offering a dictator a propaganda photoshoot for free was a good thing?

It was also unclear what Eric is trying to say that his father accomplished, other than getting Kim Jong Un to smile. He'd be so pretty if he smiled more.

He fixed the post with a fact-check, but it got burned as well.

Eric is on board with Bromance Diplomacy, but other Americans would rather not see the president become BFFs with a guy who tortured an American student to death and fed his own uncle to dogs, Ramsay Bolton-style.

It's okay, buddy. We can't all be experts in history and diplomacy like Ivanka.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.