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Ari Isaacman Astles


Morgan Freeman needs just 62 seconds to inspire all of us about the future of our planet.

Do you have plans Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014? Have a minute to chat with global leaders about the environment? You can join me at the the United Nations from your farm/office/bouncy-house/hot tub. (Seriously!) Upworthy will be holding an all-day #UpChat live at the United Nations Climate Summit 2014, where global leaders are convening to make decisions about the future of our planet. (How to join? See below!)Enough from me, I'll let Mr. Freeman take it from here...

Unilever and the United Nations

Did I mention we are having an #UpChat? Live from the United Nations?! Get excited!

How to join? All you need to do is follow @Upworthy and @Climate2014Live, use the hashtags #UpChat and #Climate2014 in your tweets, and say hello to these awesome orgs (and me!) in the meantime!


Ever Catch Your Reflection In A Mirror And Don't Recognize Yourself? This Is The Opposite.

One of my favorite yoga sayings is: I am not this body. Once we become detached from it — the way we are when we look at other people — it's easier to treat it kindly as the incredible vessel we get to occupy. Not sure what I mean? Watch the video below. You'll see what I mean.


I Missed This Episode Of 'Oprah' About Racism Because I Was In 1st Grade In 1992. Luckily, YouTube.

When I was a kid, I thought "Oprah" was just about celebrities. As I teenager, I realized it was all about transformation, including that of Oprah's hair. This episode is a raw discussion of racism. And if you're pressed for time, it gets really real at 4:02. Also, '90s hair!


How Do We Respond When A Kid Says Something To A Teacher That No One Should Have To Experience?

In just one minute, the video below tells the story of a student confiding in her teacher about abuse.

But the process of healing from abuse takes much longer than a minute. In this video, Teresa Huizar, the executive director of the National Children's Alliance, explains her inspiration for providing support to those responding to reports of child abuse and neglect across the nation. As she says in the video below, "no child should ever have to feel that they were tattooed to the shame that belonged to their abuser."

There were over 1.5 million clicks on this post, and this increased awareness has allowed the National Children's Alliance to grow so that more children across the country can heal through a child advocacy center.

Even more children and communities can benefit from these resources if we continue to show our support.

If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, you can find local resources here.