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greenhouse emissions

Yes, that really is Seth Rogen talking to you on the bus.

All aboard the Pineapple Express!

The comedian and actor has recorded a series of public announcements for the city of Vancouver's public transportation system. Rogen, Canadian by birth, said he wanted to give back to the city where he grew up.

"Hey Vancouver, it's Seth," one of his recorded messages begins. "Here's a tip to make your transit ride even more awesome: I know your bag is probably very nice and you care deeply for it, but that doesn't mean it needs its own seat."

The project started on Twitter after people suggested TransLink BC might need a new voice to bring some positive attention to its work and replace the former celebrity narrator, Morgan Freeman.

When someone suggested Rogen, he wrote back directly, saying, "Hit me up."

They did. And now it's all really happening.

"Any opportunity to enrich the lives of the Canadian people is an opportunity I will take," Rogen joked in a video of him recording his lines for the new initiative.

But Rogen also genuinely supports public transportation, saying, "I grew up taking public transit my whole life, and I still use public transit when I'm in the city."

And who can blame him? Transportation accounts for an estimated 29% of all greenhouse emissions in the U.S. alone. Reducing the number of cars on the road also cuts down on the amount of time people have to spend in traffic.

There have even been recent studies showing the direct impact public transportation can have on air quality — it makes a huge difference.

Convincing people to invest their time and money in public transit isn't always an easy sell. But having someone like Seth Rogen in your corner can get people excited about something as simple as taking the bus and quietly make a real difference.

Plus, who wouldn't want to ride the bus with him?