
Jessica Levenson


Watch An Amazing Artist Illustrate How Powerful Listening To Your Inner Voice Can Be

Traditional business careers are great, but I think if morepeople followed their passions the way Azure Antoinette has, we would lead happier andmore vibrant lives.


The U.S. Dept. Of State Asked Maya Angelou To Speak About Him. What She Said Is Unforgettable.

Here's an unbelievably beautiful tributeto a spectacular man by world-renowned poet Maya Angelou. Nelson Mandela passed away Dec. 5,2013. From lawyer to political prisonerto Nobel Peace Prize winner, he passionately fought to overturn so manyinjustices and made significant personal sacrifices to get there. I am forever in awe of him.I know it's been a while and you're probably sick of content about his passing, but it's Maya Angelou and she's just amazing.


Want To Catch A Glimpse Of A 'Lazy Food Stamp Recipient'? Watch This.

In breaking the silence of food stamp shame, Kyle Abraham shows us how the need for help arises, at 3:46, and more importantly, at 4:47, he has a great lesson for us all.


Welcome To That One Time When You’re Thrilled That Kids Look Up To A Gang

When the cash-strapped city of Detroit stopped park and playground upkeep, this improbable volunteer "gang" stepped up in a big way.