“A balm for the soul”
  review on Goodreads


After two weeks of wall-to-wall politics, we are all this baby seal being rescued from a fishing net in Australia:

Since the conventions began last Monday, it feels like we've been trapped in an endless loop of cable news kibitzing, longwinded speeches, and arguments with friends and family on social media — a feeling not unlike being tangled in a rope with no means of escape.

All images via ViralHog/YouTube.

Then, as if by magic, Friday morning rolled in, like a friendly Aussie with a bowie knife.

And cut us all free.

Sending us galloping full force into the weekend with the RNC and DNC safely behind us.

Politics are important, but they're not everything.

A well-informed citizenry is essential to a functioning democracy. But a citizenry that spends too much time watching CNN and refreshing Twitter is an exhausted citizenry. A cranky citizenry. A citizenry that needs to bike over to the Y, do some laps in the pool, and take a nap.

Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.

So this weekend, let's take some time off. We've earned it.

Read a book. Play a board game. Tell your children you love them.

Be free, America!

Happy weekend.