
Luigi Montanez


WATCH: What These Women Say About Their Careers Will Leave You Totally Jealous

Here's one way women can help shape the future. Because let's be honest: Men don't have the best track record.


Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Hire You. You Just Have To Learn This One Thing.

"I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think." — Steve Jobs


The Odds Say That Some Guys In The NFL Are Gay. Here's One Of Them.

Don't freak out. It's just a gay guy in the locker room.


The NRA's Overwhelming Political Power Explained In 1 Graph

The Sunlight Foundation analyzed the difference in election spending and lobbying between the NRA and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The NRA's huge money advantage almost makes you think it was compensating for something.