


This kid's reaction to finding out he's cancer-free is a tearjerker.

7-year-old boy beats cancer, freaks out adorably.

In March 2013, Ben Morris had just turned 4 years old. That was when his parents, Casi and Mike Morris, learned he had cancer.

A few short weeks later, acute lymphoblastic leukemia had transformed Ben from his rowdy self into a frail, weak child near death in a hospital bed. “We almost lost him,” Casi says.

She describes the years to follow in this way: “Have you ever had a kid reach for the stove or step off a curb and a car is coming? That moment when your stomach clenches, adrenaline dumps, right before you throw yourself in front of the danger? That's what it is to have a kid with cancer, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To say we were a mess is an understatement.“

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