
kate hudson instagram

"You're my everything."

I think it’s safe to say that Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn have one of the most aspirational mother-daughter relationships in Hollywood. Sure, aspects of their inseparable closeness—following very similar career paths, never going a day without talking to one another and even living on the same street—might not be everyone’s ideal, but their strong, healthy bond is something that virtually every daughter would like to have with her mom. We all want mom to be equal parts bestie and role model, and Hawn has seemingly aced that balance.

So it’s probably no wonder that for Hawn’s 77th birthday, Hudson posted a loving tribute on Instagram showing photos of them together throughout the years, along with some lovely words. However, no one could prepare for the level of pure heartwarming, tear-jerking goodness her message would contain. Seriously, Hudson is a fabulous actress, but she might have missed her calling to write amazing Hallmark cards.

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