

How many times were you told as a child that "looks aren't everything"?

If your childhood was anything like mine, probably a lot. If I had penny for every time I was told not to judge a book by its cover, I'd be pretty darn wealthy.

Considering how often we hear these messages when we're kids, you'd think we'd carry this important value out into the world.

But this video from NorniTUBE reveals something troubling: Looks could be a matter of life and death.

In the video shot in Paris,we see a man stumble to the corner as he coughs and finally collapses onto the ground.

All GIFs via NorniTUBE/YouTube.

The sidewalk is clearly busy. But despite his cries for help, no one helps him during the five minutes he's on the ground.

But check out how different the response is in this next part of the video, featuring the same man doing the same thing in the same place ... with just one tiny difference.

He's wearing a suit.

Not everyone stops to help him. Nor does the assistance come from the first few people who see him collapse. But the difference in the amount of time it takes for someone to try to help speaks volumes.

The video is a call to be an everyday hero — by treating others (no matter how they look) as you would yourself.

It's an amazing reminder of how important that old golden rule is.

As the video states, "It is by simple and heroic actions that we begin to appreciate the true meaning of the word 'humanity.'"

Watch the entire video below: