
tim murphy

On March 22, Seattle resident Cody Miller climbed a sequoia tree outside Macy's and refused to come down.

The police were called, and a minor standoff ensued. When authorities tried to coax Miller out of the tree, he pelted them with pinecones.

Pretty soon, a hashtag started and the jokes started rolling in.

Comparisons to similarly bearded fictional characters were made.

Someone started a parody Twitter account for Miller.

Complete with delightful tree puns.

Some wondered if Miller had a future as a professional "Man in Tree."

...and the story traveled around the world.

On and on it went. T-shirts were made. Tribute songs were written. "Arrested Development" jokes were tweeted.

For a few days, it all seemed like a bit of lighthearted fun. Miller became something of a mascot for the city to rally around, a delightfully tease-able, harmless oddball.

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