

Hexagons are the best of all polygons.

"What's your favorite shape?" is generally a question we ask 5-year-olds, not grown adults. But maybe if we put it into more advanced terms—"What's the best polygon?"—we'd be compelled to give it some genuine thought.

Since there's an entire field of math dedicated to triangles, that might seem like a logical answer. But, most human-made things around us are made up of rectangles, so maybe they're the best. Then again, there are much more interesting quadrilaterals than squares and rectangles (hey, rhombus!) in addition to pentagons, hexagons, heptagons (which I don't think I've ever even seen), octagons, nonagons—so many "gons" to choose from.

As it turns out, there is an answer to this question—at least according to popular YouTube creator CGP Grey.

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