
oh jesus bar

via Tod Perry

What’s this for?

18-year-old Twitter user Aimee recently took to Twitter to ask something most of us have probably wondered.

Speculated about without even realizing it:

"Serious question, what the fuck is this for?" she asked, next to a photo of that handle on the ceiling of every car that we all knew about and probably wondered about but never thought to even ask for some reason?!?!?!?!?!?

oh Jesus bar, car parts, car handles

Language people.

Photo from Twitter @TaylorRaee23.

People immediately started sharing their theories, like this one:

And this one:

For my mom to dramatically grab when I'm going 26 in a 25," wrote Taylor Myers, a college student from Pittsburgh.


Her response immediately blew up, wracking up over 118,000 retweets in three days. And Twitter could not agree with her theory more:

The "oh shit bar." Apparently, this is old news in Texas:

And for those of you who aren't potty mouths, don't worry, there's also a more pious name for it: "the Jesus bar."

But whatever you want to call it, I think we can all agree, now that we know what it is, our lives will never, ever be the same.

This article originally appeared 8.18.21