
duke of cambridge

Reflecting golden hues reminiscent of a different time, newly released vintage photos of Princess Diana have sparked feelings of nostalgia and bittersweet smiles across the globe.

The previously private pics, just shared by Princes William and Harry, show the unbreakable everlasting bond between a mother and her children.

Princess Diana and Prince Harry. Photo via the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry/Getty Images Publicity.

The royal family shared the photos ahead of a new documentary honoring the princess, "Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy," which will air on ITV in the U.K. and HBO in the U.S. to acknowledge the 20-year mark of her passing.

The princess died tragically in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997.

“Our mother was a total kid, through and through," Harry reminisced in a heartfelt clip promoting the film.

"Everybody says to me, ‘so she was fun, give us an example,’" he continued. "All I can hear is her laugh in my head — that sort of crazy laugh, where there was just pure happiness shown on her face.”

Princess Diana, pregnant with Prince Harry, holds Prince William. Photo via the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry/Getty Images Publicity.

“One of her mottos to me was, ‘You can be as naughty as you want — just don’t get caught,'" Harry said in the video. "She was one of the naughtiest parents."

More recently, William and Harry have opened up about how they coped after their mother's shocking, untimely death.

“I always thought to myself, 'what’s the point of bringing up the past?'” Harry had said in a video posted to the royal family's Facebook page in April. “It’s very easy to run away from it, to walk away from it, and avoid it the whole time," William sympathized, Princess Kate at his side.

As the pair have learned more recently, pushing those feelings down and not talking about them is far less helpful and healthy than talking about the past with loved ones or mental health professionals.

Princes William (above) and Harry (below) on a picnic bench. Photo via the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry/Getty Images Publicity.

William and Harry, alongside Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, have made mental health a key issue in the royal family's public platform.

Heads Together, a stigma-busting campaign encouraging Brits to speak up and access help when it comes to their own mental well-being, was the official charity partner of the 2017 London Marathon.

For William, who has two small children, an important component in addressing his own mental health is sharing stories about his mother and keeping her legacy alive.

“I do regularly, putting George and Charlotte to bed, talk about [Diana] and try and remind them that there were two grandmothers in their lives," William explained.

Whether children are dealing with the immediate aftermath of a loved one's death or learning about ancestors and relatives who passed before they were born through family photos and stories, there are ways to help make that potentially difficult process a healthy and helpful one.

"It’s important that [George and Charlotte] know who she was and that she existed," William noted.

Watch a promotional clip of  "Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy" below: